Page 66 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

“I don’t think it’d be a good idea to blow my head off.” David grinned. “You wouldn’t get your clues, and the city of Rochester might start to have a demon infestation problem. Follow me.”

Without a word, Frankie and Jace trailed behind him until they reached the metal structure. David climbed the aluminum steps two at a time, and they stayed on his heels. When they reached the top, he crouched down and pointed at the ground.

“This is where they were found. Right out here in the open. But as a precaution, I scanned the place. Watch this.”

David reached inside his leather and removed a copy of the Old Testament. He flipped to a page written entirely in Hebrew. He dug inside his pocket, then scattered rock salt across the platform as he continued to read. As his voice rose, obviously leading to the climax of his chant, he pulled a lighter from inside his coat. He stood and raised it high above his head before he knelt down again, pressing the flame to the cold metal. A trail of fire ignited, and a large symbol appeared—a perfect circle with two wavy lines perpendicular to each other running through the middle.

“What the hell is that?” Frankie asked.

For a brief second an image flashed through her mind: a blond woman with a long sword battling an enormous man wearing wolf skins.What the hell?She pushed the thought aside, but the image was so vivid and clear.

Where was her imagination going?

David stared at the burning flames. “I’m not sure. A circle is one of the universal conduits, like water. It can give you full access to the beyond, usually a one-way ticket to hell.” He looked at Jace with a grim expression behind his eyes. “I don’t think you’re dealing with a regular wolf shifter. I think you’ve got a shape-shifting demon on your hands, and one I’ve never encountered.”

“I have to say, I’ve been called a lot of things, but shape-shifting demon is a first,” a deep voice drawled from behind them.

Jace and David had their guns drawn and aimed into the darkness within seconds.

A chill shot down Frankie’s spine. The silhouette of a man hidden within the shadows loomed over them. She dropped into a defensive stance, bared her canines and growled. The small hairs on the back of her neck and arms stood on end. She recognized the scent instantly.

From the flash of rage in his eyes, Jace was aware of it, too. He growled, his gun held steady. “I don’t give a shit who or what you are. You’re done.”

“I had a feeling you’d say something like that.”

The man stepped into the light, and Frankie stared.

It was...strange to put a face to what had been done to those young women. Horrific in its own way, because he was...just a person, supernatural or not. No different from her, or David, or Jace. Tall, with broad shoulders, auburn hair, sea-blue eyes and muscled. With human eyes and hands and feet. The heavy scent of his skin hit her full force.

Her eyes widened as she sucked in a harsh breath.

He may have looked like them, but they couldn’t be more different.

He was amonster, through and through.

A smirk crept across the man’s face. “Seems like you and your bitch have a keen sense of smell.” He stepped forward. “My name’s Robert, though your papers have been calling me the new-age Jack the Ripper—surprisingly accurate. Tell me, what do you think of my work?”

“I think you’re one sick fuck.” Jace pointed the Mateba at Robert’s head. “One sick fuck who needs to be buried six feet under.”

Jace fired.

Robert dodged faster than Frankie would have believed possible, and instead of his head, the bullet hit his shoulder. He yelped and stumbled back, knocking into the metal railing. Blood poured down his shirt. He clutched his hand to the wound.

A satisfied grin crossed Jace’s face and he surged forward as Robert fell to his knees, still clutching the bleeding bullet hole. Jace raised his gun, and pressed the barrel against Robert’s forehead. “You better say a prayer and hope that Satan doesn’t make you his bitch every day for the rest of eternity.”

“I think you’re in for a surprise.” Robert pulled a hunting knife from his belt and stabbed Jace in the thigh.

Blood spurted from Jace’s leg as he doubled over in pain. The crimson liquid splashed over Robert, turning his twisted features even more demented. Panic filled her.

“Jace!” Frankie moved to lunge toward him, but Jace held up a hand, urging her away.

“Stay back.” Pain and warning flared in his eyes, communicating the rest. He was protecting her again.

We don’t know what he’s capable of.

Frankie stilled, watching in horror as Robert stood, smiled in self-satisfaction and plucked the bullet from his shoulder. The blood trickled to a stop.

Frankie couldn’t bring herself to breathe.