Page 40 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

He eased closer. “And you’re a goddamn thorn in my side. I think that makes us even.”

“I could say the same.” She eased against the door, as if she could escape him.

He chuckled. “Look I don’t know what you want, Princess. You want to leave? Leave.” He gestured toward the door frame. “I’ve already given up my life for you.”

He watched her breath stop short.

For a moment, neither of them seemed to breathe.

“I didn’t ask you to do that,” she whispered.

“No, you didn’t, but I did it anyway.” Her gaze seared through him. “And I’d do again in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t even have to ask.”

“Jace...” she said softly.

He shook his head, stopping before she could pity him or God forbid thank him again. Like he wouldn’t do it all over, if he had the chance. “What else did you expect, Princess?” He reached for her, but then stopped and let his hand fall again. “For me to stand there? To do nothing while I watched you suffer?” He sneered. “What kind of monster do you take me for?”

“A human one. Clearly.” She stared up at him. “I don’t know why I ever would have thought different.”

“Because you wanted to. Anything to justify this.” He reached for her, and the moment his fingers brushed a stray strand of hair from her cheek, she gasped.

It was like electricity shot through them, charging them both like a live wire.

Every time they touched.

“I don’t think it’s the fact that I’m a hunter that scares you.” His voice dropped to a low purr. “I think it’s that you don’t want to walk out that door.”

Her lip quivered, before she jerked away from him. “I’m leaving. For real this time.”

“Go ahead.” He stepped back, giving her ample space. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

For a moment, she hesitated.

He chuckled. “Cold feet?”

“I can’t,” she said, back still turned to him. “Not until I know why you saved me.”

It was a piss poor excuse and they both knew it. “I already told you.”

“No.” She shook her head. “That answer’s not good enough for me.”

Hewasn’t good enough for her. Hell, he likely never would be.

It didn’t take a genius to determine that.

“What do you want me to say, Princess? That if we weren’t who we are, things would be different?” He growled, pushing her to her limit.

The flicker of shared recognition in her warm brown eyes as she turned hit him then, and from the fire in her eyes, suddenly, he knew he’d miscalculated, made a mistake pushing her away. Knew he couldn’t let her walk out that door without being honest. He’d made enough messed up decisions the past few nights.

He wouldn’t letherbe the one he’d regret.

“What’s that supposed to mean? I—”

“I want you,” he said boldly, cutting her off. The words fell into the charged space between them. “There. Happy now? I said it.” He growled. “Now you can go scurry back to that little pack of yours and have a good laugh about it.”

Her jaw clenched. “Is that what you think of me? I wouldn’t. I—”

“Don’t hide behind your anger now, Princess.” He shook his head. “There’s no beat cop to interrupt this time. No more excuses.”