Page 26 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

But it was Chet’s sly, shit-eating grin that did Jace in.

“Oh, this is rich,” Chet laughed finally with all the amusement of a hungry hyena who’d found his prey was already wounded. “Wait until Headquarters gets a load of this.” He cackled. “You’re fucking dead, McCannon.”

Jace didn’t have the words to respond.

Instead, he did the only thing he could think to do then.

He growled, canines bared, eyes flashing to his wolf.

Chet blanched.

“What the fuck is happening right now?” Francesca looked as if she could hardly breathe. She stood on the opposite side of the room, watching in a mixture of disbelief and confusion. Like her mind couldn’t wrap itself around the fact that a hunter, a human, had just growled like some sort of wolf-man.

Most would have said it was impossible. A hunter who was part wolf.

And yet...

For a moment, none of them moved, until somewhere else in the building, someone finally pulled the alarm. The sound of gunfire had alerted them. The emergency light on the wall overhead flashed red, the siren screeching out the worst kind of sound. It promised a whole mobilized unit of trained hunters. The emergency response team. The only question was who’d they’d deem the bigger monster.

Chet or him.

For the first time in his life, Jace froze.

Slowly, he released Chet, though doing so went against every instinct in him. Tentatively, the asshole slid lower on the wall, slumping in a struggle to catch his breath as Jace stepped away from him. He didn’t know why he’d let Chet go that easily, but somehow he knew he had to. Knew he needed to take Princess and get the hell outta here. Head to the Chevelle, and then...

And then what?

He’d single-handedly ensured he could never come back here again. Changed the course of his life in an instant. And the terrifying part?

He’d fucking do it again.

So long as it saved her.

The beast inside him growled.


Jace felt the blood drain from his face. For a moment, he bucked against it, attempting to fight, but its urge was immovable.


“Jace,” Damon said, drawing his attention enough to break him from his stupor. His division lead’s voice was uncharacteristically soft as the hunter’s blue eyes held his. The singular look Damon gave him then provided the only answer Jace needed to know.

Chet was right. Hewasa dead man, if HQ got ahold of him.

But not by Damon’s hand.

Slowly, Jace met his division leader’s eyes as Damon breathed out his one and only warning. “Jace,” Damon said again. “Run.”

At the vampirehunter’s command, Jace’s hand was suddenly in hers, pulling her alongside him and leading her out of there. Fast.

Frankie had suspected there was something different about him from the moment she’d first gone head-to-head with him in the alley, but she hadn’tknown. Known that feral look in his eyes. Known that alpha male instinct to protect.

Suddenly, every heated interaction between them made sense.

Didn’t it?

The conclusions her brain was jumping to were out of the question, her mind still reeling from the altercation so much that nothing made sense.