Page 93 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

Jace rolled his eyes. “You always did have a way with words.”

“Tell me something,” David said. “What does this woman mean to you?”


Though Jace didn’t allow himself to say it. The beast inside him stirred.

“More than I want her to.”

Damn if that wasn’t the truth.

David nodded. “Then fuck off with your sense of guilt about her having a fiancé. Is she in love with him?”

Jace shook his head. “No. No, she’s doing it for her pack.”

“Then don’t let her cast you aside so easily, J. Like I told you before. Fight for her. Be the man she needs you to be. If you are, she’ll change her mind about this Rock guy, and if she doesn’t, then wasn’t meant to be.”

The beast inside Jace snarled at that possibility, but he didn’t indulge it. He was getting better at keeping it in check, but hearing Rock say Frankie would be his wife had nearly unleashed it. Full fury.

“Meant to be, huh?” Jace cast a glance toward David. “What are you now, a psychic?”

David chuckled. “No, just been listening too much to mybubbe.”

Jace was about to respond when the door to K9’s burst open and Frankie strode smoothly out into the street. Her eyes locked on him, making her look every bit the powerful packmaster she’d been inside the club. Great, just as he was starting to calm.

She made her way toward him, heels clicking. “Jace, we need to talk.”

“You don’t need to explain anything to me, Frankie. Believe me. I get it.”

“I meant about the raid on HQ,” she said, “that’s what you came here for after all, to share what you found, how it relates to Robert.”

Jace shrugged her off. “Later.”

Her sharp stare cut through him, seeing too much. “Jace, Rock and I—”

Jace lifted a hand. “Give it a rest. I saw everything I needed to see in there.” Jace cast her a dismissive glance. “You’re all his.”

“Jace,” David hissed.

Fight for her.His friend’s advice rang in his ear.

Frankie opened her mouth again, but Jace raised a hand. “I’m done with this drama. Unless you have something to tell me that will lead to catching Robert, I don’t want to hear it.”

Even in the dark, he could see her stiffen. “WellI’mnot done with it,” she challenged.

Over her shoulder, David lifted a brow as if to say:See? Told you.

Maybe David was right.

He couldn’t fold the first moment the going got tough. When had he ever let that stop him before? He may not have had much experience competing when it came to women—hell, he’d never had to—but all the same, he knew how to play the game. How to best an opponent in a power play. How was this any different?

The only change was this time it was more than his life at stake.

He’d almost allowed himself to retreat at the first sign of trouble, because his heart was on the line, but he’d already known it wouldn’t be easy the moment he’d admitted he was all in with her.

Why not take the risk?

“If we’re going to start training tomorrow, we’re going to discuss this,” Frankie said, undeterred. “Now.”