Page 87 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

Rock had the balls to look amused by that question, though she didn’t think offense was his intent. “When my fiancé’s in trouble, what kind of man would I be if I didn’t come to your aid?”

She lifted a brow. They both knew he was nothing to her... yet.

“I hear you have a killer on your hands.” He swirled his whiskey, inhaled the scent. “Not to mention the human hunters are circling.”

“I’m handling it.” Frankie’s red nails tightened against the chair’s leather, digging in. “What I do is none of your concern.”

“You’re right. It isn’t.” Rock met her gaze, unafraid. Why would he be? They were equally matched in both influence and power. “Until our packs combine, and then...” He raised his glass to her, before setting it on her desk. “Then it will be my concern, packmaster.”

“If you have something of actual interest to discuss, Rock, best get to it,” she said, stiffly. Frankie didn’t dislike the white wolf. She wouldn’t have agreed to their arrangement otherwise, but that didn’t mean she wanted him here. Especially now, of all times.

“I’ll get to the point, then.” Rock sat back, crossing one long leg over the other. “I’d like to move forward with our mating-ceremony. Post-haste.”

For a moment, Frankie stiffened, before she quickly recovered herself. She covered it by sitting down in her chair. Their mating ceremony wasn’t supposed to be for another year, but now he wanted to move it forward? To a new date? “Why the sudden rush?” she asked.

“Considering the threat you and yours are facing should this killer’s...” Rock paused momentarily, as if he were trying to find a diplomatic description, “more unsavory actions fall back on you, you don’t find it wise to have a plan in place? What will stop the Execution Underground from coming for you?”

“I already told you.” Frankie leaned back in her seat, feigning ease. “I’m handling it.”

“And you could handle it with considerable more ease, with more wolves at your disposal,” Rock countered. He wasn’t wrong, and from the confidence in his face, he knew it. “I’m trying to help you, Frankie. That’s all this means.” He reclaimed his whiskey glass. “Consider it an early mating gift.” He lifted the glass to his lips and took a considerable sip.

Frankie watched him for a moment. Rock was handsome, powerful, and, in his own way, considerate. He’d make a fine mate for somebody. Somebody who was more enthusiastic about the idea than her. Someone whose heart didn’t belong to another.

Frankie shook the thought from her mind. She was being silly. She didn’t want to be mated to Rock any sooner, but she saw the logic in it.

It wasn’t the right decision for her, but itwasthe right decision for her pack, and though the idea grated on her, she couldn’t ignore the fact that he was coming to her aid, offering her help in the only way he knew how. There were poorer ways to start a partnership. She couldn’t very well be angry with him for it, and yet...

She swallowed down her pride.

Her growing feelings for Jace weren’t Rock’s problem.

If he was even aware of it, which she’d make sure he wouldn’t be.

“Wait for me in my private booth,” she said then. “Jeanine will take you there and we’ll discuss this further.”

Rock nodded amiably, rose, and headed toward the door.

“And Amarok,” she said. “When wedojoin packs, do not think for even a minute that I’ll kowtow to you and your leadership.” She cast him a hard stare. “Your pack will be mine too.”

Rock smiled like he was pleased. “I never anticipated anything less, my queen.”

Amarok exited the room then, as Alejandro entered in behind him.

Once more, the door closed with a quiet snick of the lock.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was coming?” Frankie hissed.

“I tried to warn you,” Alejandro said, a little too defensively for her tastes.

“Your text asked if I was okay. Not ‘by the way, packmaster, the fiancé from your arranged marriage is heading this way.’”

“Clearly, you didn’t see my later texts.”

“My phone broke.” She didn’t deign to tell him that she’d been the one to break it.

“Have Jeanine order you a new one.” Alejandro waved a hand. “One with more obnoxious notifications to ensure you answer,” he added with a sly grin.

“I don’t answer, because I trust you to handle the pack in my absence.” Frankie looked toward him then, challenging. “I’ve never been gone when you truly needed me.”