Page 101 of Rogue Wolf Hunter

“You know better than to call me, boss,” Frankie said back, a smile curling her lips. More than other members of the staff, Allyson was her friend, in part because being Fae meant she placed no added obligations on Frankie, held no expectations simply because she was packmaster. To Allyson, she was just another woman.

Albeit a powerful, supernatural one, and her boss.

But another woman all the same.

“What’s up with you tonight?” Allyson called to her over the music again. A thumping ballad Frankie couldn’t begin to identify. “You don’t normally hang out down here.”

Allyson was right about that. She was usually too busy taking meetings in her office, to linger among the patrons for long, but she had been keeping her schedule light to work on Jace’s shifting. Besides, she didn’t have it in her to deal with the underground politics of Rochester.

Not on top of everything else.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“Nothing takes a certain kind of medicine to fix.” Allyson shook one of the bar’s tumblers at her. “Just my specialty.”

Frankie shook her head. “No, thanks.”

Allyson nodded, but poured a vodka shot into a glass and threw back one of her own.

Frankie lifted a brow.

Allyson inclined her head toward Jace and David’s booth. “It’s stressful him being here.”

“I can ask him to leave,” Frankie offered. “If it bothers you.”

If Allyson wanted David gone, Frankie would make it happen in a heartbeat.

No matter if it’d annoy Jace.

She didn’t know what had happened between the demon hunter and her Fae bartender, and she wasn’t about to pry. Allyson would tell her when and if she was ready. But from the way Allyson cast the occasional longing look at David when she didn’t think anyone was noticing, Frankie had a feeling that there was still some romantic feelings left there.

“You don’t have to do that for me,” Allyson said, shaking her head. “He’s just... a reminder of what could have been, that’s all.”

Frankie nodded. “I understand the feeling.”

That’s exactly what Jace would become to her if she continued like this.

A reminder of what could have been.

Something about that thought sent her reeling. Made her pity herself over the loss of him, even though he was still sitting on the other side of the club. She smoothed her hands over her dress, her features softening for a moment as she briefly searched the crowd for him. She’d worn this particularly revealing little getup in hope of getting a rise out of him, making him jealous of the heated looks she’d no doubt get, but Jace’s resolve was iron-clad.

He wanted her all in or not at all.

There would be no half-measures with him.

No matter how much these past few days without him had filled her with longing.

Her gaze fell to him, laughing and talking with David, enjoying himself without her. Another woman nearby watched Jace, clearly interested, though she hadn’t yet approached his and David’s table. And what if she did? Frankie had no claim on him.

The hole that had seemed to form inside her chest every time she looked at him ached.

Allyson moved to take care of a waiting patron, but Frankie caught her attention. “On second thought,” she said. “I’ll take that drink after all.”

“My special heartache medicine coming right up.” Allyson grinned. The glint in her eyes was pure Fae mischief. Her ethereal beauty was barely hidden by her glamour.

A moment later, she returned, carrying a martini glass full of pink liquid. She slid the drink on a small napkin toward Frankie, who quickly took a sip. The drink was strong, yet sinfully delicious. The kind she’d no doubt regret come morning. Allyson’s bartending skills really were one of a kind, almost magical.

“It’s so good it’s dangerous,” Frankie said.