I click the come-hither button again and hit my favorite speed. Usually I turn on the external bit at this point and come within a minute. My machine is nothing if not efficient. But tonight I find myself holding off, making it last. I linger on the edge longer than usual. I don’t want this to end.
Everything in my belly tightens in anticipation. In my mind I can perfectly visualize him feasting on my pussy, fingers deep inside me, while I try and remain calm from the waist up.
“You look so good right now, Penny. If I was there with you, I’d take those pretty breasts of yours in my hands, in my mouth. Would you like that?”
I raise my hand to tweak an already hard nipple and sensations shoot directly to my clit, begging for me to turn the damn thing on already. I nod and do it again. “But then he’d see.”
“Let him watch. I want to kiss that clit of yours too. Pull it tight between my lips. Flick it back and forth with my tongue. Lick you front to back and inside out until you’re shaking in my hands. Until your knees buckle. Turn it on, Penny. Now.”
I hit the button for suction twice, and the sensation combined with the mental image of Dash feasting on me immediately pushes me into an orgasm. My body jackknifes in on itself, everything contracting and shaking. My legs clench around the MiO, holding it in place while it wrings every last ounce of pleasure from my body. With shaking hands, I manage to turn it off and collapse on my side.
“Penny…” Dash sounds as out of breath as I am. “Holy fuck! You’re incredible.”
I manage to make eye contact again, and I see him wiping thick ropey strands of come off his chest with his T-shirt. He came just watching me. And I missed it.
I’m currently too blissed out to care, but next time… Next time I’ll talk him through his pleasure too. Next time…
I’m in so much trouble. Every last one of my barriers falls far too quickly around this man, and I don’t know how to act without those careful walls in place. He makes me think dangerous thoughts, likenext time,again, andforever. I look away and gingerly slide the device out of my body, needing a reprieve from the intensity.
“Penny.” Dash says my name with such authority I have to meet his too-perceptive gaze. “I don’t know what thoughts are causing that look on your face, but I need you to hear me. This is the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m sorry I couldn’t hold out, but watching you come like that…I lost it. I wish I could hold you.”
“Me too,” I say as I roll to the edge of the bed and my back hits the cold sheets. I need a little space, a little distance. “I’ll be right back.” I walk to the bathroom to clean up and collect myself.
How can this be moving so quickly and at the same time be torturously slow? He’s got me all churned up, and he’s four hundred miles away! But as I look at my glowing reflection in the mirror, I have an epiphany. We are living through a global pandemic. None of this is going to be normal. That has ceased to exist. I may feel like things are moving too fast, too wild. I may feel out of control and impulsive. I might also be a tiny bit afraid of how intense my attraction is. What I don’t feel is regret.
Lying in my bed, I try to focus on the game I’m supposed to be reviewing, but Penny keeps sneaking into my thoughts. I wish she was here. The exploration-based quest isn’t holding my attention at all. My eyes keep darting to the clock.
My days in quarantine are running together. I barely see my roommates since I’m supposed to stay distanced. I can’t remember the last time I showered, because who cares how I smell. I’ve taken to ordering all my meals through delivery services, and I’ve reviewed roughly a dozen video games, only half of which have made it into the magazine.
Chad tells me to slow down, but I can’t. I’m so bored stuck in this little room. Gaming and Penny are the only things keeping me sane.
We have fallen into a routine of calling each other at six p.m. when she makes dinner. We eat in front of our screens and chat about our days. Some nights we talk for hours. Other times we have some mutual fun. It feels so…normal, and yet nothing about this situation is normal.
My real normal involves writing at a café, editing at a coworking spot, eating at a restaurant, or walking at the park, just to get out of our tiny apartment for a bit, before holing up in my room with the latest game. Variety and novelty are the antidote for the boredom that can sidetrack me hard. Living in San Francisco has given me the stimulation I need…until now.
I’m a little surprised I’m enjoying it so much, because maintaining focus, especially during long conversations, is usually a struggle. My mind likes to wander down rabbit holes without giving the other person a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. But with Penny it’s different. Our conversations are new and exciting and the only goddamn thing I have to look forward to.
A knock on my door startles me from my musings.
“Your takeout is here,” my roommate, Dan, says through my closed door.
I put on a mask and open the door. Dan hands me my bag of pad thai from a distance. I don’t know what I would have done without my roommates’ help this week. They’ve been great about helping me stay cooped up, even though we are usually just ships passing. We are friendly but not friends, if you know what I mean. I turn to go back into my quarantine hidey-hole, but he clears his throat.
“Um, while you’re out here, can we talk a minute?”
Shit.He never wants to talk. Now I’m going to be late for my date with Penny. Is this about the dishes in the sink? There shouldn’t really be any of mine since I’ve been living out of plastic and styrofoam for two weeks. I’m not the cleanest roommate, but I try to keep my mess contained to my bedroom. “Sure, dude. What’s up?”
“Listen, I don’t want to put you in a tough spot, but I’m moving out. My job just announced we’ll be work-from-home for at least two more months if not longer. If I move back home with my parents, I could save a shit ton of money.”
“And get Mama Liu to cook for you,” I tease as I process what this means.
“It’s a factor.” Dan smiles.