“I like the sound of that. But back to your job, what are you going to do now?”
The giddy excitement rising in my chest says I should let her in on my secret project. “I’m not sure, but I started designing again. I had an idea and couldn’t let it go. You inspired me. Can I show you?”
Penny climbs off my lap as I reach for my laptop, snuggling in close to me like she used to on the couch in her apartment. Her familiar weight tucked against my side gives me the courage to open the file.
“So I was thinking, relationships are hard. What if there was a way to gameplay with your partner through different situations in an arena where the stakes are fictional but the players are real?”
“I’m listening.” I give him my full attention. He’s coding again! I remember how broken up he’d been when he talked about losing that first job. This is huge!
Dash clicks a few keys, and a crude animation of a blonde woman pops up on-screen. I don’t want to be presumptuous, but is that me?
“Before you say anything, the graphics are basic and not my forte, but I needed people to be able to move them around. Here’s the cool part though.” He clicks into the section for setting up an avatar. “I’ve added data points for appearance, sure, but I also added points for character traits, habits, quirks, sexual preferences, communication style, love language, and past traumas.”
I scan the first item on each list—type A, needs to feel in control, talks to her cat, blended orgasms, bottles up emotions, physical touch, difficult childhood.
“Oh my God! Itisme!” I reach across him to the scroll pad and scan the rest of the very long list. Every observation, every characteristic is spot-on. I couldn’t have filled this out so thoroughly myself. Had he really paid this close attention? He noted my favorite meals and how I take my coffee, my preferred number of orgasms, and my favorite sex toy.
“I couldn’t get you out of my head. I started a spreadsheet as a way to calm my racing thoughts while we were together. Once we were apart it was torture, loving you and not being able to be with you. I thought if I coded you, I could get you out of my head long enough to sleep. It hasn’t worked yet.”
He cuts off my words with a kiss I readily return. When I try to get closer, I knock his laptop, and he lunges to save it. The moment broken, he clears his throat and reverts to professor mode.
“So, the idea behind this game is that each player creates as detailed an avatar as possible alongside their partner, and then they play through common relationship challenges together as a way to get to know each other and foster communication. By playing it together, you create time and space to play while also learning about each other. I think this would have served us much better than playingCall of Anarchyby myself and wallowing in my sorrows. What do you think?”
My brain is going a mile a minute, trying to process. In the professional tracks of my mind, I want this game for my portal. Wouldn’t it be amazing if couples could input their own features and then play with toys virtually and in real life to explore and deepen their connection? This would also help model the communication and relationship strategies that people so often think they can skip over in favor of a new vibrator to spice things up.
My emotional center is on overload. He’d really seen me. All these months, he’d been watching and testing and remembering everything that makes me…me. Have I ever really been seen so fully by a partner? I don’t think so. Even my parents only got to see what I wanted them to see. Dash was brutally honest in creating this character, and he still loves me. I sit silent and still as that revelation washes over my heart. He’s seen every part of me and still wants to know more.
“Show me yours” is all I can think to say.
He opens up the generic male avatar. The list of characteristics isn’t nearly as long. I scan it and see that he hasn’t been anywhere near as precise with his own.
“I think you need to add some things to that list. It doesn’t have ‘dangerous cooking skills’ or your gamer’s thumb on it,” I tease. “It’s also missing that noise you make when I—” I slide my hand over the erection trapped in his pants. He lets loose a guttural groan that shakes me to my core. “Yep, that one.” I reach over and close the laptop, setting it down on the coffee table behind me. “And it doesn’t even mention that you hyperfocus on things that bring you pleasure, like new games or my tits.”
So saying, I turn to face him, straddling his lap on my knees. I take his hands and place them on my breasts and moan with relief. I better say what I need to say before I lose the ability to talk entirely.
“And it’s missing the part about you being a generous lover, a faithful friend, a partner in adventure, and a forgiving soul. I’m so sorry for all of it, Dash. Can you forgive me?”
“Penny, I’ve never wanted a second chance at anything more than this. Can you forgiveme? What if the company fails?”
“Then I’ll have my supportive boyfriend by my side to help me plan the next adventure.”
“God, I’ve missed you.” He pulls me close, burying his nose in the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply and sending a shiver down my spine.
“I’ve missed you, too.”
“Liar. You’ve got a toy box a porn star would envy.”
I grip his face and make him look me in the eye. “And yet, none of them love me like you.”
I watch the slow grin dawn on his face and know that he feels the same way I did when he unveiled his prototype. I was an idiot to make him leave.
“Dash, I know we have a lot to talk about, and work to do around how we communicate, but there’s one way we communicate that I have never doubted. And now that I’m touching you, I am too horny to think straight. Do you think we could…”