I survey the space that will show on camera, and it is clean and organized. My entire apartment is clean and organized again, but instead of bringing me the calm I needed, it just feels cold and sterile. Lonely.
I pour a second cup of black coffee and sit down at the table. Two cups on a stomach as empty as my apartment makes me a little jittery, but it’s fine. Everything’s fine. I’m going to be high energy Penny today, exactly what I need. Maybe I should buy an espresso machine…
I log into the call and find Nic and Emmie already waiting.
“You ready, boss?” I narrow my eyes at Nic, but she just grins.
“Absolutely. I’ve got my questions and notes. You both good?”
“Yep. Ready to take notes, although we are also recording the session,” Emmie replies.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” Nicola prods.
“Don’t I look ready?” I shoot back. I really do not need her prodding me about how shitty I look right before we open the panel. I know I’m not sleeping well, but—
“You’re not wearing your wig.”
Fuck.She’s right. I haven’t had to be Public Penny for so long, I completely forgot about her. And I can’t just plop it on my head. It requires a cap and makeup and blending. And, goddammit, a wardrobe change because I’m wearing a red shirt.Fuck!
“I’m going without it today. It itches. Besides, isn’t everyone doing drastic changes with their hair these days? It’s fine. I’m fine.”
I am far from fine and can’t believe I forgot, but it’s too late to fix it now. The virtual waiting room is filling with people.
“Sure. Whatever you say, boss,” Nicola says as she taps something into her phone.
“Good. Let’s go.”
Marshaling every last ion of positive energy, I nod at Nic, who opens the floodgates.
“Good morning! And welcome to the MiO community! I’m Penny Maxwell, CEO and Founder, and this is Nicola Stern and Emmie Rich, my marketing and design mavens. I want to thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today. We believe that everyone deserves to find pleasure and joy in the way that works best for them. Your feedback today will directly impact our plans, both for devices and the community platform you were asked to test. We truly couldn’t do this without you. So let’s get started. First, I’d like to do a quick visual survey. Thumbs up, thumbs middle, thumbs down, how did you like the product you received?”
All of the twenty-five participants hold out their hands, in a nearly equal split of ups and downs. It seems like those who liked it really liked it, and those who didn’t really didn’t. I grab a quick screenshot to capture it.
“Same question for the community section.”
This time the reactions are more generally positive to middling. Only a few thumbs down. That’s encouraging! This community engagement platform just might work. Thank goodness Dash got the web design done so quickly.
A pinch of guilt squeezes my heart at the way I lashed out at him, when he’d done so much to help me. But I hit my limit. Aren’t I allowed to have limits? Everyone keeps talking about boundaries. Surely I’m allowed to call it quits when he tramples through mine. But if I was right, why does everything feel wrong?
“Hmm? Oh yes.” I shake my head.Get back in the game!“I’d love to hear more specifics about what you liked or wanted more of in the community section. Does anyone have thoughts to share?”
A woman in her forties raises her digital hand, and I unmute her. “Yes, Jessica?”
“I like the articles and the user guides. It made getting the toy adjusted a whole lot easier. That was a bit of a steep learning curve. But once I figured out my specific configuration, whew! It was incredible! My question is about video content or maybe intimacy coaching. I bought this toy because I was intrigued by the concept of a blended orgasm. Now that I’ve had one, I want to experience it with my husband. We’ve had…less than stellar results. He feels like I’m bossing him and criticizing his technique, and I don’t have the words to explain what I’m trying to do. Will there be videos demonstrating the technique or perhaps even showing a couple enjoying this that I could watch with him?”
Jessica mutes herself again, and I stare, struck quiet by pride. When I started this journey, I thought single people with vaginas would be our main target audience. I am continually surprised at how well MiO is being received by different demographics. The fact that our device is being used to make married sex better is next-level goals. It gives me hope that it is truly a universal pleasure tool. I am so happy that it takes me a beat to respond.
“We hadn’t considered offering video content beyond the product demonstration videos. But that is a great idea. Maybe something we could expand into in the future. I want to reiterate, though, that clear and open communication is the bedrock of a relationship.”
Nicola coughs violently, and I swear I hear the wordbullshitbeneath the bark. I ignore it and carry on.
“It sounds like you and your husband are aligned in your goals, so to speak, but that receiving feedback in the heat of the moment is breaking the mood. I’m not a therapist or sex educator, but I might suggest having the conversation about what, where, and how you want to try something before clothes come off to make it less intimidating? I’m so happy that you are exploring together.”
I make it through the rest of the focus group asking good questions, taking notes, and getting inspired for new ways this platform could help my end users. It’s the best hour of work I’ve managed in ages. As I say goodbye to my early adopters, I am more determined than ever to make this company a success.
Once the room clears, I turn to Emmie and Nicola for a debrief. “That went well! I’m so excited. Let’s go through the feedback.”