Page 57 of Dare Me

“How bad is it?” his father asked.

“Bad. They’re taking him into surgery now.”

“Where? I can arrange a ticket…”

“Bahamas. Freeport. I’ll… I’ll have someone arrange it for you. She’ll contact you at this number.”

“You’re Jade?” he surprised her by saying.


“I look forward to meeting you in person. Until I get there, take care of my son.” He hung up.

Tears rolled down Jade’s face as she called Diane and relayed the message to help Jade’s father.

When she was done, she sat there in the waiting room, looking down at the phone.

“Thank you,” she heard someone say.

She looked up and realized the teenager was still sitting across from her.

“My parents are on their way from the resort. But”—the girl closed her eyes for a moment—“if you hadn’t done what you did, if that man…”

“Wyatt. His name is Wyatt.”

“I’m Emma Tillers,” the girl said with a smile. “You’re Jade. You own the Emerald?” Jade nodded. “Josie told me all about you. If you hadn’t saved me…” When Jade saw tears rolling down the teen’s cheeks, she walked over and wrapped her arms around the girl.

Just then the double doors burst open and several military men and Becca Jamerson rushed in. They were all dressed in black, as if they had just come from a covert mission.

“How is he?” Jamerson asked.

“He’s in surgery still,” Jade answered.

Jamerson glanced at the teen. “Are you okay?”

The girl nodded. “Your parents are just outside.” She motioned. “We’ll need to speak with you, but it can wait until tomorrow.”

Jade’s mind snapped suddenly. “Arlene,” she said quickly.

“Pardon me?” Jamerson turned back to her.

“Arlene. She’s the one that lured Emma away from the resort. She gave her a beer laced with something that knocked her out pretty fast.”

“I…” Emma frowned. “Don’t remember that.”

“You were out until we docked at Blue Marlin Cove.” Jade felt her temper grow. “She’s the one that has been drawing the teens away from their families and drugging them.”


“Stay with me.” Jade’s words echoed in his dazed mind. They played over and over again as drugs pumped through his veins, leaving him just on the edge of consciousness.


He could still hear her sweet voice.

“I’ll stay,” he answered her. “Forever.” He frowned. His throat was dry and scratchy. Everything else about him was numb. Floating. But his throat hurt.

“That’s good to know,” Jade said softly. “Why don’t you open your eyes and tell me again?”