Page 48 of Dare Me

Carol lowered her voice, but not too low that he couldn’t hear. “He might have been involved in one of those kidnappings. You know, the missing teenagers.”

Double shit. He pulled out his phone and called Jamerson.

“Carol Reed is in Jade’s office throwing her husband under the bus,” he said quickly.

“We’re just pulling in,” she said back. “Regardless, they’re both coming in.”

Jamerson hung up and he went back to watching the scene in Jade’s office.

“What exactly do you want me to do?” Jade was asking Carol.

“I want your help. Your family owns this place. Surely you can… I don’t know, contact someone. Tell them I had nothing to do with any of it,” Carol said.

“Who?” Jade shook her head. “And why do you think I or my family would have any pull with the authorities?”

“People with money always have pull with the authorities,” Carol answered a little testily.

“Are you saying you want to go to the authorities and tell them your husband kidnapped Megan?”

“No,” Carol answered softly. “I’m… just saying. I think he knows something.”

“Like?” Jade asked.

“I don’t know.” Carol stood up and started pacing in front of Jade’s desk. “There was this extra money.” She turned towards Jade again. “He said that he got it from an aunt. But at our wedding, when I thanked his one and only aunt for the money, she denied she’d given him anything.”

“Okay,” Jade said slowly. “Have you asked Tom about it?”

Wyatt had to admit, Jade was asking all the right questions. She was not only keeping her cool about it but digging deeper than he or any other agent could. He knew that they may not be able to use any of the recordings to prosecute, but at least they had them.

“No, but each time I bring it up… what I saw the other night. He tells me to keep my mouth shut,” Carol answered.

“What did you see?” Jade asked Carol. But just then Diane rushed into the room. “Jade, sorry to interrupt, but… the FBI is here.” She moved back to let Jamerson and a few other agents into Jade’s office.

He watched as Carol was put in cuffs and hauled out of the office. He had no doubt that Tom was being cuffed in the lobby as well.

Jamerson presented Jade with a warrant and got copies of both employee’s records.

He called Jade the moment she was alone in her office.

“Are you alone?” he asked as he watched her sit back down behind her desk.

“Yes,” she answered with a sigh. “Shouldn’t you be heading down for work?”

“In a minute. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I am. Just… I might head down for a glass of wine,” she joked.

“You know where to get it.”

“Will you keep me posted? What they say?” she asked. “What happens?”

“Yes,” he answered without hesitation.

“Thank you.”

When he finally showed up for work, rumors of the arrests were all over the resort. Employees and guests alike were talking about it. He listened to the gossip for tidbits of information he hadn’t heard before. He knew how gossip worked and had used it to his advantage many times in the years he’d worked out in the field.

He’d forgotten about Arlene until she showed up at the bar wearing a very tiny white bikini with a see-through cover-up, a hat with an extremely large brim, dark sunglasses, and an entourage of people following her.