Page 43 of Dare Me

“What?” Josie’s voice rose. “Seriously?” Her eyes moved back to the hallway. “She’s alive?”

“Long story. One that I’m sure she will fill you in on first thing in the morning. But you can imagine the emotional high she’s on right now. She crashed hard core.”

“I’m sure having hot sex with you after that knocked her right out.” Josie nudged him and he chuckled. “Okay, I get why she’s not tagging along, but I am totally up for sneaking around. Look, I’m even wearing all black like a real spy.” She motioned to her leggings and T-shirt. “I’ll get my shoes.” He moved to stop her, but she turned on him. “Or, if you want, I can go wake Jade up…”

“Fine,” he groaned. “Get your shoes on. You can be my lookout and hand me my tools.”

Less than five minutes later, he let them into his bungalow, where the new security cameras had been delivered earlier that day.

“Wow, what’s all this?” Josie asked. “You get an entire bungalow?” She turned circles in his rooms.

“I negotiated it with Patrick as part of my package,” he answered. It was the truth, and Josie nodded. “You’re kind of like a lie detector. Aren’t you?” he asked, tucking the box of cameras under his arm.

“Every good bartender is,” she said, her eyes narrowing.

“Right.” He chuckled. “I’d forgotten you claim to be one of the best.”

“Claim?” She held her hands over her chest. “You wound me.”

He smiled. “I can see why you and Jade are best friends.”

“And I can see why you and Jade are…” Josie waited for him to finish.

“Complicated,” he finished as he stepped out and locked his door. They headed down the dark pathway to where he planned on hanging the small cameras.

“Right,” she said slowly as they turned down another pathway. At this time of the early morning, there wasn’t a soul on the pathways. Then she laid her hand on his arm and he stopped walking. “If you hurt her, I will cut you,” she said with a smile.

He nodded. “Understood.”

“Good.” She rubbed her hands together and looked around the dark pathway. “Now, where are we putting these up?”


Jade woke to Josie’s face inches from her own. She would have screamed, but this was a standard Josie move.

“What?” She groaned and tried to roll over.

“You didn’t tell me about Amber,” Josie responded.

Jade remembered everything from the day before and in a quick move, sat up, bumping her head against Josie’s.

“Ouch!” Josie said, rubbing her forehead.

“I found my sister.” Jade laughed as she rubbed her own forehead. “I mean, she found me.” She bounced on the bed and then pulled her friend down with her.

“Hey, I’m not sure you’re aware of this, but your naked under those sheets,” Josie said, laughing.

“So? You’ve seen me naked.” Jade laughed too. “Amber is alive. Oh!” She gasped. “And that’s not the only great news I got. I have a niece.”

“What?” Josie stilled. “Seriously?”

“Yes!” Jade fist-pumped the air.

“Okay, get showered and dressed, and then you can tell me everything. You smell like sex and Wyatt.” Josie plugged her nose and waved her hands in the air as she climbed off the bed and headed out of the room. “I’m ordering room service,” she called back to her. “We will eat pancakes,” Josie yelled throughout the apartment.

They sat out on the patio eating a whole lot more than just pancakes. Josie had gone to town, ordering one of almost everything on the breakfast menu. Her friend was a few inches shorter and about ten pounds lighter than she was, but Josie could pack away the food when she ate.

While they ate, she filled Josie in on her call with Amber. Then Josie told her about her and Wyatt’s late-night escapades.