Page 40 of Dare Me

Amber nodded and looked over at the dark-haired man. “This is Brock. He helped me find out the truth.”

“Hi.” Jade smiled. “This is Wyatt. He’s… well, it’s complicated.” Jade laughed as Wyatt moved closer to her.

“Hi.” Amber smiled at the screen.

“Police?” Wyatt asked the dark-haired man.

Brock nodded and narrowed his eyes at the screen. “You?”

“Sort of,” Wyatt said with a nod.

She supposed the men recognized one of their own. After all, both of them had a look about them that screamed either military or police at the moment. They were both assessing the other woman in the image as if they were waiting for the punch line or trying to discover if it was some sort of ruse.

“Our parents?” Amber asked, breaking the silence.

“They’re in Europe right now. They are going to flip their lids.” Jade laughed. “Oh my god! You’re alive. You’re right there.” Jade pointed to the screen. “I love your hair! I’ve always wanted to chop my locks off.”

“Don’t you dare,” Wyatt said next to her ear.

Jade waved his comment away.

“I can come to the States…” Jade started but got a slight nudge from Wyatt and then added. “Soon. But right now… It’s complicated.” She frowned, remembering the mess they were in currently. “How about you? Can you travel here?”

Amber looked at Brock for a moment before responding.

“I… need time to clear things up. Such as my passport.” Amber laughed. “It has the wrong name on it.”

“What name?” Jade asked.

“Crissy Talbot,” Amber answered.

“Crissy… Talbot,” Jade repeated.

“The girl who escaped the cop serial killers?” Wyatt asked, suddenly breaking in.

“What?” Jade jerked around to look at him.

“Yes,” Amber said with a slight nod.

“You were kidnapped by a serial killer twenty-three years ago?” Jade asked horrified.

“No, two years ago,” Amber answered quickly. “Like I said, it’s complicated. The man that took me from you… raised me. Then, two years ago, I was kidnapped by… the other,” Amber added.

“Oh my god,” Jade said as she moved over to sit down. Her knees had gone weak. “You’re okay though, right?”

“Nothing that time can’t heal,” Amber said with a smile.

Time. Is that all the other kids who had been taken needed? Would Megan need time when she was found? What horrible things was she going through right now?

No, as much as Jade wanted to drop everything and run to her sister, she was needed here. Wyatt was needed here. And they had to do something drastic if they were going to catch whoever was stealing kids and getting away with it so far.


It ate at Wyatt, listening to the sisters talk. He was happy for them, really. But part of him was jealous. Jealous that they would have a second chance where Kaley was just… gone.

He hadn’t been part of the team that had worked on the Miami brothers’ serial killer case, since it hadn’t involved younger kids. But he’d heard all about it. Not just on the news, but from several of his team members who had helped search the grounds when the first body had been found.

He supposed that his oversight of Jade looking like Crissy Talbot, or rather Amber Oswald, was due to the blind lust he’d felt for Jade the moment he’d seen her at the pool. If his desires for her had blinded him that much, he wondered if it would cloud his judgment on this case.