Page 33 of Dare Me

Then she remembered what Josie had said. Her friend was right. There was no way Jade would want to return to that age. She thought about what she and Wyatt had done last night. When she was sixteen, she would have never thought about hooking up like that.

She’d remained a virgin until Bobby, and she’d stayed loyal to him that whole first year away at college. Then they had both agreed to see other people and remain friends.

Not only was she free to hook up when she wanted, but she could drink. All the kids were still enjoying virgin versions of their most popular drinks.

Besides, Jade was in charge of the resort. The entire resort. Sure, she was twenty-seven years old and had added a few extra pounds on her five-foot-four frame, but she was a woman in charge of her own life. One who knew what she wanted and where she wanted to be.

Just knowing that the teens were struggling with what to do with their own futures had Jade smiling brightly at them as she made her way into the bar area.

Instantly, she spotted a group of teens standing at the bar. Wyatt, Josie, and Larry were working overtime to mix virgin drinks. Finding an empty barstool near the end of the bar, she sat down and watched the show.

Twice, several kids tried to order alcoholic versions of drinks. Every time, they were instantly shut down by either Wyatt or Josie. Then the birthday girl came in with a large group of kids.

The fact that she had close to fifty teens at her party told everyone that all of the families had plenty of money. But the birthday girl’s attitude was beyond spoiled, making Jade wonder if she’d ever acted that privileged when she was younger.

Josie stopped by, setting a glass of wine down in front of her.

“Were we this spoiled?” she asked, taking a sip of the wine.

“Hell no,” Josie answered as she rolled her eyes and quickly disappeared to take more orders.

At one point Wyatt made his way to the end of the bar and smiled across at her.

“Can I just say, wow.” He motioned to her outfit. “Later,” he said in a low tone. “I’ll find time.”

She felt her entire body react to his gaze. She was on an emotional high when the first commotion started.

The birthday girl was recording herself getting denied at the bar. When Wyatt served her a virgin drink, the girl’s friend took the phone and continued recording her rant all while Wyatt ignored them and turned away to keep working.

When a second commotion hit, it caused the entire group of teenagers to hush and turn towards the door. Jade watched Arlene stroll into the bar area in a designer outfit that made Jade’s simple black dress look like a garbage bag.

Within seconds, Arlene was surrounded by teenagers, with the birthday girl pushing her way through the growing crowd.

Since this left the bar cleared, Josie and Wyatt made their way towards her.

“Who’s that?” Wyatt asked.

“Seriously?” Josie asked, rolling her eyes. “That’s Arlene.” She turned to Jade. “You didn’t tell me she was going to be here.”

“I just found out earlier today. We have her for an entire month,” Jade said with a slight groan.

“Problem?” Wyatt asked.

“Spoiled,” she answered as Arlene easily made her way through the crowd without saying so much as a word to the teens. Sure, she posed for a few photos, but when the birthday girl tried to do a video, Arlene held up her hand to block the camera and shook her head from side to side while saying something that made the birthday girl pout.

“There you are,” Arlene said to Jade and proceeded to air-kiss her. “Auntie told me I’d find you in here.”

“Arlene, it’s nice to have you back,” Jade said, trying to lace her voice with pleasure. The girl could be a pain, but she spent a load of cash each time she was here. Not to mention all the free press the resort got when she posted videos or photos of the beautiful grounds and resort.

Arlene glared at the woman sitting in the seat next to Jade long enough that the woman disappeared so that Arlene could take the seat.

“How are you finding your suite?” Jade asked.

“Oh, it’s wonderful as always.” Arlene waved her hand in dismissal, then glanced over at Wyatt and stilled. “Well, well, this is new.” She waved her finger up and down towards Wyatt as she tilted her head.

“This is Wyatt. He’s in charge behind the bar. If you need anything…” Jade said and then added. “You remember my best friend, Josie. Either of them will make sure you have what you need.”

“I’ll take a Manhattan. Extra dry,” she said to Wyatt with a purr, and then watched Wyatt get to work on making the drink.