Page 24 of Dare Me

“And you?” he asked, curious. He knew she showed a drive and excitement for taking over for her parents. But was this something she planned on doing on a permanent basis?

She glanced over the sand to the massive building and grounds in front of them.

“I love it here. It’s more home than any other place I’ve been. I moved here when I was a teenager.” She glanced over at him. “After that…” She shrugged. “All other places paled in comparison.”

“Well, yeah.” He chuckled. “What kid wouldn’t love living here?”

“Oh, there were downsides to living here. The apartment wasn’t ready for us for an entire year. That and all the tutors my parents brought in. It wasn’t until my junior year that I finally found a teacher I understood and got along with.”

“Did you miss school activities? Proms? Homecoming?” he asked, remembering his own experiences. Some he could have lived without. Others were the highlight of his youth.

“Not really. There was so many events around here. If I wanted to attend a dance”—she laughed suddenly—“I’d just sneak into a wedding or party. There were plenty of boys to flirt with,” she added, and her eyes went dreamy. “I found my first crush just up there at the pool. Had my first kiss on the beach. And my first…” She turned to him and smiled. “Other firsts here too.”

He smiled. “Dating must have been hard.”

“Not really. I wasn’t looking for anyone permanent. My first boyfriend was a friend of the family.”

He thought for a moment. “Robert Brennen?”

The look that crossed her face told him that he’d crossed the line. Then she relaxed.

“I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked that you know everything about me,” she said with a sigh. “It’s…”

“Unnerving. I’m sorry,” he said softly.

“Unfair,” she corrected. “I only know three things about you,” she pointed out.

“We can fix that. How about we head up to the pool bar and order some burgers. You can ask me anything you want.”

She tilted her head slightly and then nodded. “If you promise to answer truthfully.”

“I only lie when I’m working.” He stood up and then held his hand out to help her up from the sand. “And right now, I’m off the clock.”


As they headed up to the pool, Jade thought of a million questions to ask Wyatt. But after getting some drinks and finding a free table, only one played in her head.

“Why are you so sure we couldn’t be just casual?” she asked after a sip of her mai tai.

He was silent as his eyes ran over her. “There’s something about you. I haven’t seen it in a long time. It sparks interest in me.”

“What?” she asked, curious.

“A drive and desire that I’ve seen in myself. It’s possible that it’s there because of how similar our childhoods were?” He took a sip of his beer. “But casual went off the table the moment you kissed me.”

She understood. That kiss had been pure power. Taking another sip, she added, “Not even willing to give it a try?” She didn’t know what was driving her. Maybe it was the memory of that kiss or the desire to feel his lips on hers once again. “Even if I dare you?”

He chuckled. “What is this? High school?”

“Don’t underestimate the power of a good dare,” she added as she leaned back. “I once won a thousand dollars on a dare.”

He laughed and leaned closer. “Now I have to hear that story.”

She shook her head. “Nope, you’ve promised to answer all of my questions. Soooo…” She motioned.

He sighed. “I wouldn’t mind trying with you.” His eyes locked on hers. “If you can promise me that when I hurt you, you won’t take it personally.”

“What makes you think you’ll be the one to hurt me?” she asked, her heart fluttering slightly.