Page 12 of Dare Me

For the rest of the day, he watched Adam work his magic on more than a dozen women. He disappeared for more than an hour each with two of them. When he returned to the pool, no longer with them, he started working on someone else.

Wyatt had noticed that the women he’d disappeared with had come back to the pool area all smiles and happy. The man was a player, which caused him to move the guy down on his list of suspects.

Wyatt checked and found out that he would only be at the resort for the next three days. After two days, he figured the man had hooked up with more than ten different women. And that was only what Wyatt had seen. He’d never headed towards the children’s pool or even to the dining room in the evening.

His entire time was spent at the bar areas and the beach, with one purpose—to hook up.

The day before Adam was set to leave, Wyatt was back at the indoor bar. It was less than an hour before the after-dinner rush would be hitting him.

“That man is the biggest player on the island,” Jade said as she sat down at the bar, wearing a low-cut evening dress in dark green. Wyatt was speechless for an entire twenty seconds just looking at her. Her hair was tied up in the back, with long strands of hair falling around her face. Her eyes were done up to where they looked more green than blue. How did women do that?

“Which man?” he finally asked when he found his voice.

By now, he knew that Jade had a glass of the house wine each evening. As he set one down in front of her, she answered.

“That one.” She motioned with her head towards Adam. “I’ve seen him with at least three different women since he’s been here. I bet he’s hooked up with a dozen women.”

“Ten,” he answered easily. “We have a bet going that he’ll hit a dozen before he leaves.” He motioned behind him. Sure enough, there were tick marks on the chalkboard behind him.

The bet was his idea. He wanted help keeping an eye on the guy and the best way to go about it was to involve the other bartenders and waitresses. So far, it was working like a charm.

Jade smiled. “That is totally inappropriate. I can’t condone that sort of behavior from my employees.” Then she leaned closer and lowered her voice. “Put me down for twenty on him hitting a dozen.”

He chuckled and nodded, then pulled out the notepad where all the bets were placed. “I’ll put you down as J.” He winked at her.

“You’re not what I expected,” she said, surprising him.

“Oh? What did you expect?” Her eyes ran over him slowly, and he felt his attraction spike. Maybe just knowing that Adam was getting so much play had him horny. Or maybe it was because his last relationship had ended more than eight months ago.

Hell, who was he fooling. It was because Jade’s sexy blue eyes ran over him slowly, and he could clearly see desire as she looked at him.


What in the hell was she doing? In the last few nights, she’d made a point to take her dinner at the bar and chat with Wyatt.

At first, it had been to spy on him, to see if she could find any reason that she would be better off putting Josie in the position. But the more she watched him, the more she realized just how pretty he was to watch.

For the past four nights straight, she’d sat at the bar, sipping a glass of wine, dreaming, and drooling over him.

As far as she could tell, he wasn’t interested in any guest romantically. Unlike the hotel guest that had just tried to hit on her.

“I guess I expected you to be more like…” She motioned with her head towards the guy who had easily moved on to the next woman after she’d turned him down.

Wyatt glanced over at the guy, then back at her and laughed. “A player?” He shook his head. “I’m far too busy to play the field.”

“Oh?” She leaned her elbow on the bar and cupped her chin. “Not interested in sex?”

His eyes snapped to hers. “I love sex. With the right woman. But I don’t cheapen it by running to the next hit moments after someone else has warmed my bed.”

She felt her insides flutter at his answer. “Are you… involved with someone then?” she asked. She’d pretty much determined already that he wasn’t, but still, she wanted to hear it directly from him.

“No,” he said, turning away and grabbing a ticket so he could start filling another order. “You?” He glanced over his shoulder at her.

“No.” She took a sip of her wine. “Like you, I’m far too busy,” she said, trying to sound casual.

“What did you do before you came here?” he asked her as he set the beer and wine glass on a tray for the waiting waitress.

“I was managing a restaurant.”