Page 37 of Stone Guardian


Alethia woke several times in the night, and each time, she found herself wrapped securely in Stan's wings, just like he'd done on the couch. At some point, she'd thrown her leg over his, as if she'd seriously intended to straddle him. She edged back onto her side of the bed, hoping he hadn't noticed.

But even with the roller shutters closed, her body clock and her smartwatch told her all too soon that it was morning, and time to get up.

"C'mon, Stan, time to let me out of my cage, so I can have a shower," she said softly, pushing at the wing that pinned her to the bed. The membrane between the bone spurs was delicate and soft to the touch, but even if she tore through it, which she didn't dare do for surely that would hurt him, the bones that gave his wings shape were too thick and too close together to allow her to break free. "You don't need to protect me from the shower. Honest. The thermostat's not set hot enough for the hot water to burn me, so the worst I can do is cut myself shaving, which I'm not going to bother doing in winter when no one will see my legs anyway."

Stan shifted irritably. "I am sure that is not a detail you should share with a man who is not your husband."

Alethia grinned. "Oh, but oversharing is my thing. Besides, you're my demon protector, so you need to know as much about me as possible, the better to protect me. I should tell you about all the parts of me I shave, when I plan to go on a date with a man who might get to see them, if he's lucky."

"There will be no such assignations while I am your protector," Stan grumbled, lifting his wing just a little. "Are you sure you wish to leave the warmth of your bed? It is cold, and I could not find the magical device you use to make a room warm in the place of a fire."

"The water in the shower will warm me up just fine. And when I get out, I can show you how to work the remote control for the air conditioning. Not that I use the heating function much in winter – it's mostly a summer thing. But if you're cold...I imagine it's much colder here than what you're used to in hell, so if you need the heater, we can turn it on."

The wings vanished, as if they'd never existed. "I am not cold."

She reached over and ran a hand down his rock hard abs. "No, you're not cold. Rather hot, actually." In all senses of the word. The sudden desire to lick all the way down every ridge of the sexy demon's tummy meant there was probably something wrong with her, Alethia decided. Then again, now she was staring at the clearly defined bulge in the front of the demon's jeans, as if he was not just reading her thoughts but sharing them.

Oh hell. Alethia swallowed as she dragged her eyes up to his face. His eyes were dark with desire. But desire for what?

"Would you like me to assist you in the bathroom?" he rumbled in That Voice.

YES. Fuck yes. She wanted him to back her up against the shower wall and...

She managed a weak smile. "I'm sure I'll be fine. My ankle hurts a bit less than yesterday, and the plastic stool's still in there, if I need to sit down."

Which she did, several minutes later when she was certain the cascade of the shower would hide any sounds she made. Sinking down on the little stool, her legs spread wide, her fingers drifted to where she ached for him, in ways no sensible woman should ache for a demon. Alethia couldn't remember being this wet for a man who hadn't even touched her, yet the moment he used That was like her lady bits were desperately trying to dissolve her underwear to give him easier access.

She rubbed herself, imagining that it was Stan's thick fingers and not her own, as her breath grew short and the pleasure built until her orgasm came in a rush. Would it feel this good if Stan had stroked her, instead of having to do it all herself?

Alethia closed her eyes. If Stan seduced her, she was willing to bet every orgasm would be a, a million times better, than the pathetic ones she gave herself.

If only...