Page 48 of Stone Guardian


Alethia delivered her speech perfectly, to the applause of everyone present. True to his word, Stan had not said a word to anyone since they'd arrived in the lecture theatre, but he'd surveyed the crowd, watching for any danger to her. He might not be a very good protector, particularly with all the mistakes he'd made last night, but he intended to do his best to make up for those mistakes now. Of course, watching the crowd only made him want to talk more, because what he saw...more than anything, now, he understood why he needed to protect her. Alethia was important in a way he hadn't even begun to understand while it had been just the two of them in her parents' apartment. In this crowd, it all made sense.

When the speakers trooped down from the stage to the table where tea and coffee was served, Stan made sure he reached Alethia first.

"I know you said I shouldn't say anything, but I need to tell you something. Something important."

"Is my life in danger?" she asked.

"No, but..."

She relaxed. "All right, then. What is it?"

"That was amazing. Magnificent. Did you know you managed to hold the attention of every single person in the room, from the moment you began speaking, to the very end? No one else tonight managed that. I think one man even fell asleep, but he woke up for your talk. I didn't understand it before, because I've never seen you outside the apartment, but you truly are a scholar and a teacher. Not just because of how much you love research – though I've seen your love for that, too, while you've been helping me and working on your report on the cemetery. It's the way you tell a story, almost like magic. There's something spellbinding about you when you speak. If I were your husband..."

"Stan," she warned. "If you're going to start talking shit again, you can go stand outside until it's time to leave."

If she banished him to stand outside, it would be worth it, just to tell her. "If I were your husband, I would never allow you to stop being a scholar, your whole life long, even if I had to fight every man and woman in the university to make it so. You are remarkable, and these people are lucky to be allowed to work alongside you." He bowed deeply. "I will see myself out, and I will wait for you outside all night, if that is your wish." Then he turned to go.

"Uncle Stanley?"

There was a man staring at him. A man who looked older than he was, which made no sense, for he could not possibly be this man's uncle.

The man grinned. "It is you, I'm certain of it! You're Stanley Steel, my mother's brother, my Uncle Stanley. I'm Dunstan Stone, your oldest nephew. We received your letter telling us to come to Clarence Town to meet Mr Peel, and nothing after that, but we came out here anyway, as soon as we could. That is a whole story in itself, but I won't bore you with the details. Not yet, at least, until you've told us what happened to you, and how you're here now! You must come for coffee at Anemone's place. I insist!"

"Stan?" Alethia's worried face appeared at his elbow. "Do you know this man?"

Stan looked from her to the man. What had he said his name was? Dunstan? It seemed faintly familiar, but Stan was certain he'd never seen this man before in his life. "He says he's my nephew," Stan said helplessly. It couldn't be true. Any nephews he'd had would have to be more than a century old. Long dead, just like him.

"You were asking questions about one of your ancestors," Alethia said slowly.

Dunstan seized Stan's arm. "This man, Stanley Steel. My uncle," he said proudly. "You must come to my wife's house for coffee when this is over."

A curly-haired pregnant woman appeared at his side. His wife, Stan presumed. "Dunstan, you can't just invite strangers over in the middle of the night. Maybe we should go to a café instead. Tacey's place will still be open. We could go there. She might even have some muffins left."

"You know Tacey?" Alethia asked.

The woman laughed. "Of course. My place is across the road from her café, and I live on her muffins. Even more now I'm eating for two." She patted her belly, as if she was perfectly happy to announce her condition to everyone in the room.

Stan opened his mouth to ask her how she could be so bold about something so...

Alethia jumped in: "Tacey's my cousin. If you're a friend of hers, I'm sure we'll be perfectly safe with you. Lead the way."

Stan closed his mouth and followed the woman.