“Kadou,” Evemer said, and it wasthat sound,soft and imploring.

It made Kadou dizzy to hear it. “Hush, hush,” he murmured, which was the very last thing he wanted at this moment, but theywerein the garden. Later—later he’d lay Evemer out and see how loud Kadou could make him. Kadou kissed him, licked into his mouth, ran his hands up and down Evemer’s gorgeous back, pulled him impossibly closer, discovered a spot just at the base of Evemer’s spine that made him jerk convulsively and curse and pant into the kiss at no more than a trace of Kadou’s nails across it—made him groan loud enough that Kadou had to abandon the spot, laughing breathlessly, for fear they’d be overheard.

Evemer, so collected a few minutes ago, already seemed to be losing his head, if the frantic, almost bruising way he was grasping at Kadou’s hips and back was anything to go by. “Tell me what—oh—what to do,” he gasped. “Tell me—”

“Stop,” he murmured into Evemer’s mouth.

Just like in the wine cellar, Evemer froze perfectly in place, his breath coming fast and wild and unsteady. He was shaking with need, every muscle tensed hard, but he waited, and Kadou’s entire body sang with delight and pleasure and pride and love.

He wondered how far he could push until Evemer’s perfect control broke, how much he could endure with nothing to help him but one single word of command. The thought was heady enough that Kadou’s knees went weak—which was a splendid idea in and of itself, oh, yes.

Kadou turned them—Evemer went easily, yielding, until his back hit the wall. Kadou kissed him once more and murmured, “Don’t fall over.” He flicked the front panels of his kaftan out of the way and sank to his knees, plucking at the ties of Evemer’s trousers.

Evemer caught his hands. “Wait—wait, don’t—”

Kadou stopped and looked up, sitting back on his heels.

“Please stand up. Please,” Evemer said, wide-eyed. He sounded almost panicked.

Kadou got to his feet immediately. “Sorry,” he said. “You don’t want . . . ?”

“Don’t do that, you can’t—you’ll get grass stains, you can’t do that.”

Kadou blinked. “I beg your pardon?Grass stains?”

“You’re wearing nice clothes.” He was so openly dismayed at the thought that Kadou couldn’t keep a straight face. He laughed aloud, kissed him, and went right back down to his knees again. Amused and terribly fond, he said wryly, “I do have other trousers, and my kaftan hems are longer than my knees. Relax.”

Evemer made another outraged, protesting noise and fumbled to stop Kadou as he went for Evemer’s waistband again. Kadou tried to slap his hands away, but Evemer was just as quick as he was and, admittedly, significantly stronger.

“Stop,” Kadou said again, in that soft voice that had worked so well before. He twisted his wrists out of Evemer’s suddenly unresisting grip and placed Evemer’s hands firmly at his sides. “Be good.”

“Kadou,” Evemer said reproachfully.

Kadou looked up from working on the ties of his trousers again and gave him an exceedingly patient look. “Do you understand what I’m currently endeavoring to do here?”

“Yes, but—”

“I’m about to put my mouth on you. Are you familiar with this concept?”

“Yes!” Evemer said, turning scarlet. “I joined the cadets when I was fifteen, I know about—aboutthat.”

“Just as soon as you shut up about grass stains,” Kadou continued.

Evemer closed his eyes, his mouth twisting in a barely suppressed smile. “Fine.”

“Fine?” Kadou laughed. “That’s it? It’s like you don’t even want me to—”

“No, I do,” Evemer said quickly. “I do.”

“Do you? Say that you don’t care about my trousers.”

Evemer made a dismayed noise, but managed to say, his voice only a little unsteady, “I don’t care about your trousers.”

“Shall I proceed?” Kadou kissed the jut of his hip, let his hands stray closer to where Evemer was surely aching for touch.

“Yes, please,” Evemer said, his voice cracking.

“Say that last word again,” Kadou said, loosening the ties with one hand and slipping his other around Evemer’s waist to scrape his nails across that spot at the base of his spine.