“That’s the most tempting offer I’ve heard all week.”

“Does that mean you’ll do it?”



He took a step towards her and cupped her cheeks. “No.”

“You really are set on this taking it slow thing, aren’t you?”


“I’m not really surprised,” she said, leaning into his palm. “You’ve always done things on your own timeline.”

Ben winked before he kissed her, pulling away before his dick went from chub to full-blown hard-on. “I guess now it’sourtimeline.”

“I brought you coffee. I just, I missed you the last month and was excited to spend time with you today before the gig tonight.”

“You were?”

“I was.” She handed him his coffee and he took a sip, praising the caffeine gods for the double espresso shot in a cappuccino. “But by the look of your room, you’re going to need time to pack to leave tonight.”

“Yeah. Was going to finish it up this afternoon, but I’ll just throw it all into cases and worry about sorting it when I get home. Oh, wait, I got you some things.”

“You did?”

“I did.” He put his arms around her, pulled her close, and kissed the top of her head. “While I was travelling around, I’d see something and think of you. Call it hopeful shopping.”

He let her go and grabbed the pile of things before laying them out on his unmade bed.

Chaya’s eyes went wide as she took in the pile.

“Go ahead,” he encouraged, tipping his head in their direction.

She opened the smaller one, first. “You got me proper aviators.”

“Ray-bans. The original. You are always wearing those knockoffs, so I thought you’d like a real pair.”

Grinning, she put them on and turned to face the mirror. “Ahh! They are perfect.” She threw her arms around his neck, and in the process, knocked his towel from his hips. “Oh, sorry,” she said, but also, he noticed she couldn’t help but look down.

Without picking up the towel, he walked to his case of clean clothes and pulled on black boxer briefs and a pair of blue jeans. She was still looking at his back when he turned. “You know, those glasses aren’t mirrored. I can see exactly where you’re looking.”

“Well, as you said, we can be a bit more…obvious, now, right?”

He kissed her softly. “Absolutely. Do you want to see what else I got you?”


And half an hour later, they left the hotel with Chaya in the Chanel denim jacket he’d given her and the new aviators. He’d added a T-shirt, dark hoodie, and a leather jacket to his own outfit.

“I can’t believe I’m in New York for thirty-six hours. It feels like the most recklessly indulgent thing I’ve ever done.”

For some reason, her accepting Asher's wedding proposal flashed into his mind. That felt pretty reckless. But given they only had a day left here before they boarded the private jet after the gig tonight to fly home, he didn’t want to spoil their time together.

“What’s number one on your list of things to do here?” he said, steering them towards a cafe he’d eaten at the day before.

“Kiss you.”