“No. The balls. Well, I suppose she speculates on the fuck-fests too.”
Alex laughed.
“Not those kinds of balls.” Luke cracked his beer open. “Like who is dating who, although they use fancy words like courting and promenading. I can’t keep up. There’s a family, like eight of them. And each of them has a book of their own. It’s literary porn for chicks. I’m blaming Zoe for getting them all hooked.”
“You didn’t feel like watching that then?” Ben asked, grinning as he chugged some of his beer.
“Yeah. Just what I need. Watching some guy fuck a bird up against a tree, while my very pregnant woman lies next to me.”
Curiosity flared in Alex. “You don’t have sex when pregnant?”
Luke glared at him from the corner of his eyes. “Yes. You have great sex. But you also have to be fucking respectful of a woman with the emotional range of a tornado thanks to growing a human, while wanting to worship at the altar of her ever-changing hot body.”
Alex imagined Zoe pregnant. He’d do everything to make sure she felt safe and comfortable. That she knew he loved her changing body. That she knew he loved them both.
And why was he thinking about loving Zoe pregnant with his kid? “Change of topic. Given we have a day off tomorrow, I’m looking to find a physical therapist and massage therapist to look at Ben’s shoulder. Figured while I was at it, I’d get a massage too. My body feels a bit broken after four weeks on tour, tour bus beds, and almost daily performances.”
“And acrobatics with Zoe,” Jase said.
He punched Jase’s shoulder but smiled. Who gave a fuck if they knew what he’d been up to? “Anyone else want in?”
“With Zoe?” Jase asked, looking horrified.
“No, massages, you dick. I don’t share.”
“You did,” Luke said.
“Fuck off. A few times. It was fun. Not fun enough to be a regular thing.”
“So, you and Zoe are exclusive now?” Matt asked.
“Jesus. Fuck. Yes. We are exclusive. Yeah, she means a lot to me. Anything else?”
Ben shrugged. “I think she’s good for you.”
“Me, too,” Jase said. “I like how easily she fit in with the girls too. Never really thought about it, but it’s nice they all get along without us around. Like when Willow’s stuff hit the fan.”
“I really like you and her,” Matt said. “You’ve been more chill. Like she’s the yin to your yang.”
“I always thought you’d marry a guy,” Luke said. “Not that it matters who you end up with as long as you’re happy. But there’s something a bit androgynous about Zoe. I can see why you like her.”
Yeah. There was. There was a contrast in the way she carried herself. Unknowingly sexy with her lean frame wrapped in men’s pyjamas or sucking him off like a femme fatale in a hot dress and red lipstick. She appealed to all the parts of him.
And it meant the world to him that his family liked her.
“I told Cerys when we were in Detroit she was unexpected. She wasn’t what I was looking for, but she became the best thing that could have happened to me.”
Luke glanced up the stairs. “Same with Willow.”
Matt shrugged. “Always knew it was Iz for me.”
All eyes turned to Ben. “Don’t start that shit with me,” he said. “Yes. I’m down for a massage.”
After grunts and mumbles about it being a good idea, Alex opened his phone. “I’ll see what I can find.”
As the conversations rumbled on around him, he searched for their hotel address, then began to search for therapists around it. It would be even better if he could find one or two who could come to the hotel for the day. They could see them one after the other.
A message popped up at the top of the screen from Zoe.