He curled a strand of her hair around his finger. “I’m an old-fashioned romantic, I guess. I love the idea of someone belonging to me and me belonging to them. But it just never seemed to work out for me, and each time it didn’t work out, my heart kept splitting in two until the pieces felt too small to hold on to.” He told Zoe about his early attempts. When he told her about Joshua meeting his dad, Zoe sat up and straddled his thighs.

“You need to stop seeing your dad,” she said. “Like, see your mum away from your dad. Tell Nan to stop allowing your dad into your safe space.”

“I wish I could, but I need to be there for Mum. Dad won’t do shit around the house, so I need to help her. And she won’t come to Nan’s if Dad isn’t invited because, in her mind, their relationship has its problems like everyone else. Nan tried to ban him once when we were younger, but Mum said she wouldn’t come over and she wouldn’t bring us over either. Nan felt backed into a corner.”

“Well, you and Ben are adults now and can make your own decisions. Your mum is a grown woman too. And if she wants to stay away from family parties because she won’t leave your dad at home, that’s on her. I’m with Nan. He should be banned. It’s on your mum if she wants to stay away with him too. Stop thinking of everyone else instead of yourself. It’s not fair to you. We don’t do the whole accepting homophobia because it’s convenient at family events anymore.”

An unexpected peace washed through him at her impassioned words. First, she’d used the word “we.” Because it was the two of them. Second. She was right. And third, she was fighting for him. He slid his palms up her thighs.

“We?” he asked.

“Yeah. You and me. We don’t tolerate that. Ben can help your mum. Or you can help her when your dad is on the rigs. And we tell her that this wishy-washy version of an ally she’s being sucks.”

“She doesn’t have your backbone, Rocky. Years of having it ground down by Dad. She deserves some compassion.”

Zoe pressed a kiss to his lips. “And what about you, Alex? Don’t you deserve some compassion too? Hasn’t your dad tried to grind down your backbone? Hasn’t he tried to erase who you are? Your sexuality is part of what makes you beautiful. Don’t let him plant the seed you are less because of it. And if it’s already rooted, let’s stop watering it and do the work to rip it out of your heart and head.”

Alex threaded his hand into her hair and pulled her mouth to his, kissing her with a gentleness that shocked him. She didn’t just care about him; she’d fight for him. He didn’t want her to leave, but one thing he knew for sure.

They were strong enough to endure the separation.