There were never enough places for them all to sit down at Nan’s, the space being way too small, but no-one ever minded and an hour later, Zoe groaned and shoulder checked him. “I can’t remember the last time I ate so much bread and pastry.”

From their seat on the bottom step of the open plan staircase, they were in prime position to reach the buffet table. He’d figured that out when he was seven. “Are you getting full?” he asked.

“I’m stuffed.”

“Great,” Alex said, stealing the mushroom vol-au-vent she hadn’t eaten off her plate before shoving it into his mouth.

“What if I was going to eat that?” Zoe cried.

He chewed quickly and swallowed. “You said you were full, and that was the last one. Plus, I have an idea. Let’s make room for dessert.”

Alex jumped up and went to Nan’s record player and grabbed the vinyl he had in mind. “I’m calling for a disco,” he shouted.

An epic Nan Seventies disco.

“Yes,” Jase said grabbing one end of the two-seater sofa that Nan, his mum, and Willow were sitting on.

As The Nolans oo’ed their way through the intro to “I’m in the Mood for Dancing,” Nan jumped up and began to dance.

“You gotta dance, babe,” Luke said, grabbing Willow’s hand and pulling her to her feet.

Chaya and Iz, well used to the family dance party that used to happen every Boxing Day and bank holiday at Nan’s house, grabbed Cerys as Ben helped Jase move the sofa back so it was against the wall. His Dad was in a chair in the corner and could stay there.

Alex danced his way to Zoe who sat on the bottom of the stairs, eyes wide. “You were serious?” she asked.

He offered her his hand. “Are you in the mood for dancing and romancing, Zoe?” he asked, borrowing from the lyrics.


“Come on, Rocky, dance with me.”

She looked around the room at everyone dancing and Alex grinned. The family dance party was not about skill, but sheer outrageous enthusiasm. Ben mimicked John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Chaya and Iz jumped up and down with his mum. Jase spun Cerys around.

“Are Matt and Nan doing the waltz?” she asked as he pulled her close.

Alex nodded, making sure to keep looking straight at her as he spoke. While the disco was meant to make her laugh, the noise would make hearing hard. “She taught us all before we were six.” He spun Zoe out then spun her back in again.

Dancing to Nan’s old disco records was one of his favourite things from his childhood. Happy times. Happy families. Probably where he got his fashion sense from. Something about doing it as an adult with Zoe felt right.

Ben changed the record, and Alex grinned as Barry White’s, “You’re The First, The Last, My Everything,” blasted through the speakers.

“If Nan’s tone is as intentioned as her performance, she must sound fabulous,” Zoe said as he let go of her hand and spun around.

“She’s utterly brilliant,” he said, scooping her back into his arms, swinging her around enthusiastically until she laughed. “And only listens to music from the sixties, seventies, and us.”

“That is so cute.”

“I think you’re pretty cute. too.” He kissed her, in front of his friends, his family, and even his dad. Didn’t really give a fuck who saw it.

“I think it’s kinda hot the way you move your body…not going to lie.”

Alex grinned and twirled her into the kitchen, sliding the door shut behind him. In two seconds, she was in his arms and up against Nan’s wall. Within three, his lips were on hers, riding the good mood he was in.

“I’m glad you are here. With me,” he said.

“I’m glad I’m here with you too.”

Just to his left was the table of desserts, and he grabbed one of the scone halves, already topped with strawberries and cream. He bit down on it then pushed it to Zoe’s lips, who laughed as she bit down on a chunk.

“Oh, my god, this is so good,” she groaned.

“I know, right. Nan’s baking is like crack. It’s why I always sneak in here and steal shit.”

He popped the rest in his mouth and grabbed a cupcake topped with three Maltesers. “We should take some of these home with us. You distract Nan while I get some into a Tupperware container.”

The door slid open. “Jesus Christ,” Nan said, flicking a tea towel in their direction. “Stop humping by the baked goods. It took me all afternoon to cream those cupcakes.”

“Sorry, Nan,” he said, not sorry in the slightest. And she wouldn’t expect anything less of him.

Zoe began to giggle and tried to cover the mouthful of cream, but he kissed her again anyway. Because why the fuck not.