While she’d expected him to kiss her, he didn’t. He pressed his thumb against her lip, opening her to him, and then ran his tongue along her lip. He nibbled, playfully, as his hands went to the hem of her hoodie. Stepping back, he pulled it over her head. With almost painful anticipation, he slowly lowered his lips to hers and she sank into the feeling of him as his fingers made light work of the buttons on her pyjama top.

Carefully, he nudged the two sides apart by brushing his thumbs across her nipples in a move that made her shiver. “Have I told you that you in men’s pyjamas is pretty spectacular?”

“Alex,” she whispered, as he dipped his finger back into the bowl of icing. They’d travelled through the night from London and had slept, him spooned around her.

As if he were an artist considering brush placement on a canvas, he stood back and looked at her. “I love your body,” he said, placing a stripe of the icing from her collar bone to sternum.

Lips met her skin. Kissing and licking their way down her body, causing an explosion of sensations. It tickled, yet was the hottest thing, to watch Alex’s mouth move along her skin.

The next scoop of icing went in a curve over her breast.

Then her nipple.

Her body became too taut, like the skin of a timpani. Every touch, every movement in the direction of the icing bowl created more anticipation. Where would the next stroke go? When he finally placed it on her nipple, and she felt the suction of his mouth on her breast, she arched her back against the kitchen counter.

Hell, he could take her on it for all she cared.

All she knew was Alex was touching her in ways she never wanted to stop. She held his head to her, tugging ever so gently on his hair as wetness pooled between her legs.

Dipping her own fingers in the bowl, she waited for Alex to stand up so she could smear the white icing down his abs. Grinning, he stepped closer to her. “Be my guest.”

Every one of her senses fired as she pressed her lips to his firm torso. Ink and smooth skin. Muscle and icing. Sweet, partnered with the musky flavour of him. He slid his hands through her hair, holding it back from her face. Whether it was to save her hair from the sticky mess or so he could see, she didn’t care.

“Grab the bowl,” he said, suddenly. He took her hand and tugged her off her seat. “We’re going to need the icing upstairs.”

The floorboards creaked beneath her feet as they made their way to Alex’s room. A large bed dominated the space, with black sheets and black pillows in an otherwise bright and monochrome space. A white desk. White shelves packed with instruments.

“You have a LINN?” she said, reaching out her hand towards the electric drum machine.

Alex blocked her and grinned. “You can play with whatever you want later. But I need to play with you first.”

“I didn’t catch all that.”

“You can play the LINN later,” he said, slowly. “Play with me first.”

Zoe smiled. “Yes, to both.”

“Good.” He took the bowl from her hand and placed it on the bedside table. “Because I need to see you.” Alex nudged her pyjama top off her shoulders, the fabric softly scraping her skin as it fell to the floor.

She jumped as he placed his fingers beneath the waistband of her pyjama bottoms.

“Everything okay?” Alex asked.


“I like ticklish ones the best,” he said, scraping his fingernails along her waist, making her flinch and laugh.


“Laughter and sex go together like gin and tonic,” Alex said. “And I particularly love the sound of your laughter because it’s so fucking rare.”

As he kissed her, he slid her pyjama pants down her legs until she was completely naked. With other men, she’d always been…not quite embarrassed…but anxious about what her lover’s reaction to her body would be.

But not with Alex. For some reason she felt completely safe in his hands, even as feeling completely exposed shockingly turned her on.

“Hop on the bed,” Alex said roughly, tipping his chin towards the pillows.

She did as he asked, resisting the urge to cover herself. She embraced the hunger in his eyes and allowed it to fuel her confidence to simply lie there, open to him.