The following morning, Zoe woke up with a start.

The bed was shaking and… “What the hell, Alex?”

He was standing above her, fully dressed, his hair stuffed beneath a beanie. A long black kilt draped with silver metal chains and hoops grazed the top of heavy black boots. “Get…got things …do.”

Hauling her to a sitting position, Alex lowered himself to straddle her legs while taking his weight on his knees rather than completely squashing her.

“One second.” She reached for her hearing aids and put them in. “Tell me again.

“Get up and get dressed. We’ve got things to do. And, good morning.” He gripped the back of her neck and kissed her.

No. He didn’t just kiss her. He devoured her as only he could.

Allowing him to lower her back to the bed, she slid her hands beneath his jumper, running her fingers along the smooth skin and firm muscles beneath.

Just as she melted into him, he knelt up again. “Stop distracting me, Rocky. We gotta go.”

“It’s not even light outside.”

“I know.”

“I haven’t had coffee.”

“I’ll get you some.”

“Urgh.” She threw her hand over her eyes and closed them again. “It feels like it’s only four hours since you tucked me in bed, and infuriatingly reminded me I said we should go slow.”

Alex lifted her hand, and she opened her eyes. “What happened in that dressing room was the best kind of wild. But you said slow. And if I’d slept in here with you last night, we would have been on fast forward. Instead, we’re going to wait until we are back in Manchester tomorrow morning. So, dress for walking.”

“You have too much energy.”

“Nan always said I was a Labrador.”

“I’m still tired.”

“Nap later.”


“Zoe. I planned an all-day date for us, so move it.”

“You did?”

He stroked her cheek. “I did. So quit with those siren’s eyes that make me want to strip you naked and get with the program.”

His words excited her. “I don’t know what to wear. Those kinds of decisions take time.”

Alex climbed off the bed as Zoe yawned. He went through her case, then went back into his own bedroom and came back with an armful of clothes. Within moments, he began to throw clothes at her. Her underwear. His white shirt, her jeans, his cream sweater. “Oh, and this.” He threw the red lipstick she’d left on the dresser the night before. “It’s hot.”

Zoe wiggled to the edge of the bed and yawned. “If you loved me, you’d get me a Starbucks,” she muttered.

“I’m on it,” he grinned. “There’s one in the lobby. I’ll get your order if you promise to meet me down there in five minutes or less.”

“Kidding, Alex. You don’t need to—”

The door slammed, taking all the energy of Alex’s whirlwind out with it.