Tell me again why you aren’t over here in my bunk.

She placed her book down, lifted her phone, and smiled as she read his message.

Because we are taking it slow and me coming over there and becoming a human pretzel around you would just blow our cover.

Alex laughed at the image. I didn’t take you for a cuddler, Atkins. Although, maybe he did, after the night he’d spent in her room.

Zoe narrowed her eyes at him. Me either. But I’m not sure what I am with you.

Maybe it was because they, the two of them as a couple, were so new, but he wasn’t quite sure how to take the words. That isn’t doubt I sense, is it? Because if it is, I’m coming over there, fuck who sees it, and kissing you to remind you of what we just started.

She shook her head as she typed. Not doubt about kissing you. Just curious who I will be with you.

Alex frowned as he read the response. I want you to be you.

“Wait. I know. That’s not what I meant,” Zoe said, then glanced over her bunk to see if anyone else heard. She grabbed her phone and waved it in his direction. You make me feel things and think things that are new. I’m growing for me, not changing for you. If that makes sense.

Phew. It did. And he was relieved. Feeling new things and trying new things is the most utterly human and vulnerable thing you can do. I’m honoured to be there while you try them.

Zoe read the message and placed a hand over her heart.

And if they include my dick, even better ;-)

When she read his last line, she rolled her eyes and grinned. I think some will.

Alex deliberately adjusted his thickening dick so she could see, savouring the way she bit down on her lower lip as he did so.

Eyes up here, Rocky. Tell me what you were just thinking about.

With a quick shake of the head, she picked up her book again.

Did you just ignore an opportunity to sext with me because you want to read about someone else’s imaginary sex life?

She put her book down and sighed. “Slow,” she signed.

You know I’m only teasing, right?

I do.


Zoe pulled her tongue out, then yawned. Like Willow, she’d changed into her pyjamas before boarding. She slipped her jumper over her head, mussing her hair up, and then dropped it onto the lower bunk before putting her hearing aids in their case and flopping back onto her pillow.

She gave him the thumbs-up sign, then with her palms facing her body, moved both hands in an arc so they met in front of her chest.

Good night.

He recognised the sign and repeated it.

As she settled into bed, he opened his own e-reader and picked up on chapter eleven of the book he’d been reading. The first one in the series Zoe was writing the series bible for. It was hot. Hot enough to turn him on in places. Some of it had made his balls shrivel to the size of peanuts. A Domme with some gadget that locked around her male subs nuts. So not for him.

But wax play sounded…fun. It would require patience. Set up. Anticipation. You could build a rhythm. He imagined the quiet splat as it dripped onto the skin, like the first few drops of rain.


Now he’d kissed Zoe, now he knew how her body felt pressed up against his, how she danced beneath his fingers, he couldn’t wait for more.

Slowly would likely kill him but hadn’t someone once said that anticipation was its own reward.