Ben must have been confused. She’d done what he said. She’d left with Mark and Alex had let her without a single protest.

Which meant she needed to distance herself from him for a few days. Because while she hadn’t intended to, it was only when he’d let her go that she’d realised she was already a little in love with him. And spending any more time with him would only lead to deeper feelings and stupid mistakes.

Neither of which she wanted.

“Is it still online?” she signed in an attempt to shake the maudlin thoughts.

“It is. Hang on. Let me show you.”

Mark tapped the details into his phone, and then he turned it to face her. An old silver Ford Fiesta wheeled down the gentle slope. Mark’s dad chased after it, managing to grab through the open window at one point, but letting go before it hit the water. His mum, in white shorts and wedges, complete with an ice cream cone in her hand, followed suit. And then the salute of a cheeky looking child with a gappy smile.

Zoe covered her mouth as she laughed, aware that people were already looking at them. They had been since they signed across the table. “Mark, oh my gosh. His face at the end. And then the disappointment when he realised he was beached on rocks.”

“Yeah. Cost my dad a fortune too. Had to get it towed out of the water, then have it dried out and repaired. We had to leave the car and get the train back home from Devon. But he couldn’t be mad at anyone but himself. He was the one who forgot to put the handbrake on while he went to help Mum down the slope.”

“Where were you?”

“Further up the hill. I’d been worried that my ice cream might melt and fall off the cone, so I was walking slowly.”

The server placed the bill on the table and said something she missed.

“They’re closing soon.” Mark ran his fingers over hers, then began to sign again. “That’s too bad. I’ve enjoyed chatting with you. Any chance you want to come over to my place for a nightcap?”

A nightcap. Which could mean anything from having a cup of tea and a chat to let’s have sex within two minutes of turning the light on. And while Mark was a nice man, she couldn’t. “That’s a lovely offer, and perhaps if I had a bit more time in the city, I would. But I need to get back, and we head to London in the morning.”

Disappointment etched his features. “Totally understand. But how about I give you my number? Maybe we can keep in touch. Newcastle to Manchester is only a few hours in the car. I’d like to hang out with you and get to know you some more.”

She thought about Alex. But he’d let her leave. And who knew, maybe she could spend a little time shaking loose her feelings about Alex and not miss out on a good guy like Mark.

“I’d like that,” she signed.

Once the bill was paid and phone numbers exchanged, Mark took her hand and led her outside where the car she’d booked was waiting.

“You sure you don’t want me to walk you back to your hotel?” Mark asked.

She smiled at him. It said something about his character that he’d checked. “I’ll be fine.”

“Message me that you got back safe, okay?”

He kissed her sweetly on the cheek. It was nice, but not thrilling.

“I will. It was nice meeting you.”

“You too.”

Mark waved as her cab pulled away.

On the ride, she thought about why the kiss had only felt nice and concluded that it was because even standing in Alex’s presence gave her more of a buzz.

How could he not?

He was the fantasy, right? The golden-haired rock star. She’s just fallen for the essence of him.

When the ride pulled up outside the hotel, she texted Mark to tell him she was safe, and to thank him for a lovely evening. The whole situation would likely benefit from some sleep before they all got on the tour bus to travel down to London.

As she turned onto the hallway her room was on, she was surprised to see Alex sitting on the floor outside, scrolling on his phone. Occasionally, he’d put it down and move his hands and arms. Her heart cracked a little when she realised he was practising sign language.

When he saw her, he stood. Just his presence made her knees go weak in a way Mark never could.