“Thank you for answering my question,” she said, her eyes soft. “I made out with Cerys once.”
Alex’s eyes went wide. “You did?”
Zoe nodded. “Weird university game. Can’t even remember now why or how it happened. But we had to make out with each other for two minutes with tongues. I think there was a bet involved, maybe the guys from the engineering school. She tasted like Southern Comfort and there were zero sparks. We split the cash and vowed never to refer to it again.”
“But you tried it?”
“I did.” Zoe ran her finger down the stem of her wine glass. “I’m fed up with playing things safe. I’m in a rut. I miss feeling fulfilled. Purposeful. I’d like a relationship. I miss the intimacy of sex.”
Strangely, his dick twitched at her words. And no, he was not getting ideas about offering to be the one to try new things with because as much as he wanted to be the one she’d choose, it was just too fucking messy.
She wanted a relationship.
Something he wasn’t qualified to give her.
“In that case, let’s go, Rocky. We’re talking to the guy by the bar.” Even though he was confident it would go nowhere, like it had every other time. She’d find something to add to her ever-narrowing list, and he’d get to walk her back to their hotel.
“Yeah.” He took her hand to help her from her chair, then encouraged her to walk ahead of him while he grabbed their drinks. It was the worst idea. Her sexy androgynous outfit didn’t help the tightening in his silk black cargo pants. He appreciated the way the oversized shirt slipped off her shoulder, the way her hair was cut such that he could see the long line of her neck when her hair was tucked behind her ear.
She slipped onto the stool next to the guy, and Alex took the stool next to her, placing their drinks in front of them. As he was doing so, the guy looked at them and Alex smiled. “Hey, are you local?” he asked.
“Born and raised,” the guy said, his Geordie twang taking his tone up at the end of the sentence. “What are you in town for?”
Alex offered his hand. “I’m Alex. This is my friend, Zoe.” He debated explaining she was deaf but decided that should be Zoe’s call.
“I’m Mark. Nice to meet you.” He shook Alex’s hand, then Zoe’s.
“Nice to meet you,” Zoe signed.
Mark grinned and began to sign. Without speaking. Alex watched as Zoe sat a bit straighter and tilted her head, signing quickly. They burst out laughing, and Alex felt a flash of jealousy. Occasionally he’d catch a sign he knew.
“My mam’s deaf, and so is my brother,” Mark explained and signed, jolting Alex from his thoughts.
“That’s great,” he said. “Wait. Sorry. It’s not great they’re deaf. It’s great you can sign. With Zoe. I’m just learning.”
“Aye. I’ve learned it from birth, like. Couldn’t communicate with my mam any other way.”
“And I was saying it’s nice to just be able to let a conversation flow.”
Joy radiated from Zoe as she began to sign again, and Mark turned to face her properly. Alex reached for his beer and chugged it, waving the empty glass to the bartender for a refill.
There was no reason for it to bother him that Mark was leaning closer, and Zoe was responding. She was fucking flirting while he was on the stool right next to her.
Which, Jesus, why did that even matter?
He was one step closer to winning the bet.
A hundred quid for handing Zoe over to someone else.
To fucking Mark. With the tucked-in shirt and belt that matched his shoes. Alex looked down at his black silk cargo pants, cool against his skin. And the white cashmere vest looked good with his pearls and the tones in his Veja trainers. It was as pedestrian as he got. He glanced down at Mark’s feet. Proper dress shoes.
Not trainers.
Not boots.
Nothing cool.