She’d move, he’d respond.
He’d move, she’d respond.
It was like a dance.
And now he didn’t want to stop. Didn’t want to take his hands off her.
Eventually, he slid his fingers around her neck and tilted her chin back, waiting until her eyes were on his. Waiting until he saw the flicker of awareness, the arousal that caused her pupils to go wide, even if she’d never admit it.
Gently, he kissed her on the forehead.
Her mouth opened a little.
He wasn’t sure why he’d even done that; except she’d seemed so peaceful. And he knew his own hands had done that to her. And there had been a connection between the two of them that had needed punctuating with affection.
“Better?” he asked.
She appeared almost drunk on the stress relief. “Much.”
Alex clambered from behind her, reluctant to leave the bubble the two of them had created. “Good. Now, what can I do to help to make sure you don’t end up in knots again?”
Zoe leaned back. “Nothing. It’s a daily occurrence.”
It frustrated him that she didn’t think he could help. His mum didn’t trust him to help her, either.
Wait. Wasn’t that expecting her to do the work?
What could he do?
“Would it help if the upstairs was quiet?”
“This is your tour; you don’t need to change things for me.”
“We’re reasonable people, Rocky. Quiet upstairs it is, for when you have headaches.”
“You know if I take my hearing aids out, the world goes quiet, right?”
“I do. But I also know you shouldn’t have to take out a device that helps you because everything else is too noisy. You shouldn’t have to choose. Did the massage help?”
Zoe rolled her head from left to right. “It did.”
“Good. I’m going to massage your neck and shoulders more often, assuming you want me to.”
Zoe looked up at him. “I don’t need you to.”
Alex huffed. Fucking hell. Why did nobody ever need everything he so desperately wanted to offer? “I’m very aware you don’t need me, Rocky. But I’m going to unless you tell me I’m crossing a line.” He reached down and tugged her to her feet. “Let me look out for you, Zoe.”
As she stood, the tour bus changed lanes and Zoe lost her balance, falling into his arms. Alex slammed his palm to the ceiling to steady himself and wrapped his other arm tightly around Zoe. Her lean frame and pert tits pressed up against his chest, as he held her safely.
With the extra button still open, he could see their shape and his dick twitched in appreciation. Big tits might have appealed to some guys, but he loved them smaller and firmer. Between the joggers he’d slept in and the thin cotton of her pyjamas, it would be two seconds before she got wind of how he felt about the situation.
He released her and stepped back. “You okay?”
“Much,” she said, but her cheeks looked flushed. “You have magical hands.”
It warmed his heart. “Good. Go upstairs and get in bed.”
Without another word, she did, and he followed, tracking her arse as she climbed. When she was in bed, he took hold of the sheet and tucked her in tightly. All the way down to her toes. It was something his mum used to do to him when he was sick. She called it mummification. Part Egyptian burial technique, part a mum’s love.
“Sleep tight and stay where you are,” he grumbled, knowing full well she would do whatever she damn well pleased.
“Thank you, Alex.”
He touched her cheek softly. “Yeah.”