“I don’t care what it costs. Can you tell Matt? Thanks.” He pulled on the rest of his clothes then opened the adjoining door to Ben’s room and marched in.

Alex ignored the brunette lying asleep next to his brother, the one who looked a lot like Chaya, and shook Ben. “Wake up. We’ve got to go.”

“What?” Ben said, groggily, as he opened his eyes.

“I said let’s go. We need to go back to Manchester now.”

Ben yawned and sat up, pushing his hair back from his face. “Willow?”

“Zoe’s been assaulted.”


“Yeah. Get packed. Wheels up as soon as possible.” He marched back towards his room.

Within forty minutes, Alex pressed his back into the seat as the helicopter bounced in weather that the pilots had reviewed extensively before making the decision to fly. Rain and wind buffeted them, and occasionally the helicopter dropped, leaving him feeling as though he was on a roller coaster at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

The whole band, plus an emotional Cerys, was on the helicopter. There hadn’t even been a discussion. Perhaps it was because they didn’t have a show until the following evening. But they’d just packed up and joined him.

“I’m really regretting those shots last night,” Ben said.

“This helicopter shit is not quite how I imagined it.” Luke white-knuckled the armrest.

“I’m taking the train back,” Matt declared.

Alex checked his phone.


Maybe it was because of the crap reception, the weather, or there was nothing to say. He hoped it was because Zoe was in triage or something. Or maybe her phone had no signal in the old concrete infirmary building.

Ice rippled through his veins. She was still alone. Izabel had been in a meeting in York, Willow at an appointment with her doctor, and Chaya was on a shift of her own at a different hospital. His mum was at work. They’d all promised to get to Zoe as quickly as they could. Nan was the closest, and ten minutes ago, she’d sent him a text telling him she’d just arrived.

“She’ll be okay,” Ben said over the noise of the helicopter.

“I know. But she just looked so…scared. And a head injury. They’re no joke. I wonder if they notified her parents. Or if she has spare batteries for her hearing aids. And she’ll need clean clothes to—”

“We’ll get her everything she needs.” Ben threw his arm over Alex’s shoulder, and Alex allowed his head to drop, accepting the comfort his brother was offering.

Luke placed a hand on his back.

Brotherhood. Family.

When the helicopter landed, two cars waited. Black ones. Fancy.

“Ed needs a raise,” Matt said as bags were thrown into the back.

Alex’s skin felt too tight as he climbed inside for a trip that would take about twenty minutes.

His phone buzzed. Nan.

I’ve got her, lad.

He let out a long breath. How is she?

Sleepy. Pain meds, I think.

I was going to ask to talk to her.