By the tone of her voice, he was certain that simply following them wasn’t that big of a deal. “I don’t look at our social media anymore, so I have no idea whether the content is Nan-appropriate.”
Nan batted her hand in the air as if brushing away his concern. “I think I can take a few expletives. It’s just that…okay…before I say anymore, just so you know, what you can smell is breakfast baps because I know they’re your favourite.”
Zoe laughed. “I have no idea what’s going on here, but I can’t wait to find out.”
Nan glanced at Zoe. “I’ll send you my recipe. If he ever gets mad, food is the easiest way to get him to calm down. Well, men in general. Just feed them and they forget why they were angry.”
“Nan. What did you do?”
Tentatively, she opened her phone and showed him. The post on the band’s profile was innocuous. A backstage candid. They were all there. Alex smiled. He had his arm over Zoe’s shoulder as she chatted to Cerys. The words were simple. When you get to hang out with your family all day, it never feels like work. Over a hundred thousand likes.
“What’s wrong with it?” he asked.
“Look at the comments.”
Alex scrolled until he found the comment she must be referring to.
So, Alex isn’t gay then? Just trying to get the gay likes. Loser.
But the first response.
The only loser here is you. Pansexuality erasure is a thing. Nan.
She’d signed off. Bless her heart.
His eyes went wide as he continued to scroll.
Another user had posted beneath. Pan doesn’t exist. You’re either gay, bi, or straight.
And then Nan. Your brain cells don’t exist. You’re either an ally or stupid. Nan.
Another. If he’s pan or bi or whatever, he’s taking the easy way out, straight passing dating a woman. If that’s what she is.
He hated the dig at Zoe. She didn’t deserve to be dragged into the conversation. And it sickened him that people might think he was either no longer pan, or being a coward, by choosing her.
Love is love is love. Everyone deserves it. Even you, you daft wombat. Nan.
Every. Single Post.
And the responses to Nan’s answers. Jesus Christ.
Nan is an icon.
Can you be my nan?
My family disowned me for coming out, your comments give me hope it won’t be forever.
Alex read another and looked up. “You agreed to go on a float in Manchester Pride?”
Nan shrugged sheepishly. “I wanted to set them straight, Alex. They can’t talk about you like that. Not while there’s breath in my body. I just wanted to tell that first bigot off. The next thing I know, I’ve got seventeen thousand followers, I’ve adopted about thirty-seven people without families, and someone wants me to give out Nan hugs on their float. I’ve never been to one of those big float festivals. Wait, will I have to show my boobs for beads?”
Zoe burst out laughing. And Alex followed suit. “I love you, Nan. You don’t need to defend me, but I love you for trying.”
“You’re not mad? I didn’t think it would all blow up like that.”
Alex hugged her. “I’m not mad.”