“Yeah. I like that idea. As long as I get one of you.”
Alex grinned as he reached for his jeans and pulled his phone out of them. Tipping it upside down, he placed the camera a couple of inches above her hip bone, pointing toward her breast. Because of the angle, you couldn’t see her face, but he’d always know it was the woman who’d given him this tonight.
When he was done, he showed it to her. “Is this okay?”
Zoe studied it. “It’s kinda hot and doesn’t look like me.”
He slipped the phone back into his jeans. “It’s totally hot, and absolutely looks like you. Here, let me clean you up a bit.” Using his T-shirt, he wiped her stomach. “I’m leaving the wax for now.”
When he was done, he flopped down on the bed and pulled Zoe into his arms. “That was incredible, Rocky. Like, rock my world, incredible.”
Playfully, she flipped him over and he let her until he was on his back, and she straddled his thighs with the oil in her hands. “I think it’s your turn now.”
Half an hour later, they were a matching pair. She lay on her back. Alex lay across her. She’d had no idea that position would work, but somehow it had.
Wax. Semen. Oil. Lubricant.
He didn’t give a shit whether it was weird or awkward…just whether it felt good.
And that confidence in sexual agency was contagious. While old Zoe would probably have been worried about the state of her duvet cover, this Zoe couldn’t give a shit.
They’d laughed when he’d almost fallen off the bed, she’d sworn in frustration the third time he’d taken her to the edge. She’d taken her sweet time getting the perfect picture of Alex who was a lot more laissez-faire when it came to actually being in the shot.
But her mind was still, and she felt light as a feather.
Wasn’t that what she’d read about in all those damn books? Leaving worries behind and just focusing on what the two of them wanted and needed.
She reached across the bed and threaded her hand into his hair. He turned his head toward her and smiled softly, his cheeks flushed with exertion.
She’d seen him play a vast array of instruments, but he didn’t play any of them as well as he played her body. Measured strokes that seemed to meet her heartbeat. Somewhere between vivace and vivacissimo she was certain given the racing pulse inside her.
Perhaps it was his grip or his tongue that pushed her over? She wasn’t sure. All she knew was he was a miracle worker. They’d peeled off the wax in-between orgasms.
Orgasms. Plural. Like, lost count because they’d seemed to run into one another.
When they’d both come, he’d slowed his strokes, larghetto down to lento. Aftershocks still rippled through her.
Alex lifted off her and dealt with the condom. But when he knelt up between her thighs, he wiped his mouth and chin on his forearm. The grin on his face said he knew what he’d just done, even though she’d never told him that she rarely came that way.
“Okay?” he signed.
Zoe stretched. “Better than.”
He flopped down on his side next to her and pulled her into his arms. “I missed you.”
“It’s only been a week.”
“Don’t what?”
“T-r-i-v-i-a-l-i-s-e,” he fingerspelled.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I missed you too.”
“How do you feel about getting tested before the next time we see each other? I noticed you were on the pill and wondered if we can do away with condoms. No pressure, though.”
The idea of Alex within her with nothing between them was breathtaking. “Okay. I’d like that.”