“What’s everyone doing now?” Alex asked, as they stepped into the Aberdeen hotel. Ed had already checked them in and come back to the bus with their keys. “Should we go out?”
They didn’t have a gig that night, but the seven-hour drive was too far to travel and set up the show on the same day.
The idea of sitting in the hotel was boring. He needed some sense of normalcy for the tour to not become a weird alternate universe where he never saw daylight or breathed anything other than hotel and arena recycled air.
Ed put his hand in the air. “It’s a lot easier for you to pass discretely at each tour stop if you don’t all go out in one big group. I know it’s what you are used to, but if you all want to eat together, we need to make bookings. Private rooms. You can’t just show up without causing a security thing. Plus, because you are playing here tomorrow, there is a strong chance fans of yours are already in town for the gig. It increases the chances of you being identified. If you go out in smaller groups, it might be easier. Or at least play down your appearance. Baseball hats are your friends.”
“Fair enough,” Alex said, making a note to pull his beanie out of his bag to cover his blond curls. “What are we all doing?”
“We’re going to the pool,” Luke said, taking the weight of Willow’s bump in his hands as he stood behind her. It helped ease the weight off Willow’s back apparently, plus, it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that Luke found Willow’s changing body hot as fuck. He could barely keep his hands off her on the best of days.
“Buoyancy is good at this point,” Willow said.
Luke nipped the side of her neck. “So is you in a bikini.”
“I bought a…what do you Brits call it? A swimming costume? A one-piece? Nobody needs to be seeing the bowling ball that is my stomach.”
Luke booed loudly, making everyone laugh.
“I need a shower and Cerys is going to wash me,” Jase said.
“Jesus Christ, be subtle why don’t you.” Cerys grinned and signed like she had for the rest of their conversation so Zoe could understand.
“The sooner I get to the point, the sooner we can go get on with it. Dinner around eight? Someone message me where.” Jase playfully dragged Cerys to the elevator.
“Me and Iz are hitting the pool too,” Matt said, throwing his arm around his fiancée’s shoulder.
Alex glanced over at Zoe. “What are you doing before dinner?”
“I thought I’d take a walk around Old Aberdeen. Get some fresh air after being cooped up on the bus all day. You?”
“I was thinking the same thing. Ben? What about you and Chaya?”
“We’re going to get a drink before dinner. Find a real local pub, one with a chance of some live music. Want to come with?”
“Text me when you settle on somewhere. Maybe after a walk with Zoe, I’ll join you depending on time. Can you find somewhere for dinner?”
Ben agreed as they headed for the elevator.
All of their rooms were on the same floor, and Alex found himself across the hall from Zoe. “Five minutes to dump our stuff then knock on?”
“I got the five minutes part, what was the rest?”
“Knock on. You know, knock on my door when you are ready, and we’ll head out.”
“Got it.”
Alex dumped his case and bag on the stand at the bottom of the bench and then used the bathroom. The quick jog from the tour bus to the hotel had almost frozen his nipples off. As much as he loved his sweater, he changed into black cashmere and a leather jacket. With the V-neck, you could still see the pearls. Dipping into his bag, he pulled out his eyeliner and swiped his lower lash line.
Remembering Ed’s words, he tugged his beanie out of his bag and pulled it over his hair. It didn’t cover all of it, but it certainly made it less noticeable.
The knock on the door told him Zoe had arrived.
“You know, it’s incredibly unfair of you to look so good after a five-minute break,” Zoe said. “I didn’t realise we were dressing up.” She looked down at her feet, now clad in hiking boots. “I’m wearing a waterproof.”
“It’s just a jumper.”