“You mean secret?”

Zoe sighed. “No. Not secret. Just…low key.”

“So, no sex on the tour bus tomorrow then?”

Zoe was about to explain when Alex winked. “Relax. I’m kidding. I’d prefer it that way. Less people in our business while we figure out what this is.”

She let out a breath. “Good.”

“Good,” Alex repeated, and kissed her again, this time pulling her bodily to him. “Shit, we really get to do this. Do you know how hard it’s been to keep my hands off you?”

Ready this time, she slid her hands around his waist, running them up and down his back, feeling the muscles she watched as he played. “So you know, I’ve dreamed about your hands on me.”

She could get lost kissing Alex King. Or maybe she’d get found.

“Yeah? Tell me more.” His lips teased her jaw, nibbling and teasing until she squirmed in his arms.

“I thought you didn’t want me,” she said, feeling vulnerable and open.

“I didn’t want to. Not you. Just relationships in general. Don’t get me wrong, I want one. I’ve just never had great success with them. But I spoke with Nan, and she knocked some sense into me. She’s happy about us.”

“You told your nan about us before there even was an us?”

“I did.”

“That is the sweetest thing.”

Alex was just about to put his lips to hers again, a look of hunger in his eyes, when a door opened down the hallway. Zoe nudged him back a step, and he eyed her, playfully offended.

Ed strode up to them. “Good night out?” he asked.

“Fucking great night,” Alex replied. “What’s up?”

“We’re leaving. You need to go pack,” Ed said. “There’s a storm warning for most of tomorrow. It’s been upgraded. Could be one of the worst to hit Britain since before you were born. I know it’s nearly midnight, but we’re going to hit the road.”

Storm. Leaving. Worst. Ed was one of the worst to lipread.

“We’re leaving?” she asked.

Alex nodded. “Yeah, we need to get packed.”