Alex swigged the rest of his beer and placed the bottle on the table. “Ben fixed the van at midnight while we all dozed in the back.”

“Did you ever think we’d looked back on those days as good memories? I remember it being miserable. Raining for hours straight. Ben, drenched though under the hood. But now it’s almost…”



Matt hurried by, talking furiously with Ed.

Jase sighed. “Matt always put too much pressure on himself. I’ll go see if I can get him to calm down.”

“Hi, Alex,” a young woman said in a thick Aberdeen accent as Jase walked away. Ripped jeans hung low on her hips.

“Hey. You’re with the opening act, right?” The act whose name he couldn’t remember. Which was shitty of him. But with a different opening act in each city, it was hard to remember.

“Aye. Hawk, the bass guitarist, is my brother. I’m Sadie.”

“Nice to meet you, Sadie. They sound good.”

“Not as fine as you lot are though. I love your band’s music. Wondered if I could get a photo.”

“Sure,” Alex said, making sure his T-shirt was straight before smiling. “Here, give me your phone, my arm’s longer.”

As he held the phone out, Sadie wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his chest, just resting on the spot below his shoulder. Her long sable hair tickled his arm as he wrapped his arm around her.

Bright blue eyes and a wide smile reflected back at him from her phone screen.

When he handed the camera back to her, she kept one arm around him.

“We’re going out to a club after the gig. You should come with us,” Sadie said, as her hand slid into the back pocket of his jeans, reassuring him he wasn’t misreading the signals.

“That might have been fun if we were staying in the city and not heading straight for Glasgow on the bus after the gig.” Gently, he stroked his fingertips along the strip of skin between her jeans and the little cropped black top she wore.

Sadie looked around. “Hawk’s dressing room is empty right now. And I happen to know they still have four songs left.”

Fifteen minutes. Time Pressure. And a risk they could be caught. All perfect elements to hold his interest. And truth be told, his energy was revving a little high ahead of the gig. Taking it down a notch or two might be a good idea.

“That’s a fucking great idea, Sadie,” he said. But just as he was about to take her hand, to lead her toward the corridor with the dressing rooms, he spotted Zoe sitting by herself on top of one of the large cases for their lighting gear.

She scrolled through her phone, while everyone else was chatting and enjoying themselves.

He squeezed Sadie’s hand and took a few more steps, and then sighed. Carefully, he put his hand to Sadie’s cheek. “Shit. Sorry. While it sounds like fun, I just realised I need to go check on someone.”

Sadie placed her hand over his. “You sure I can’t persuade you? I know it’s a total cliche to make out with a rock star like a groupie. So, if I came off a bit desperate, I’m sorry.”

“Definitely not you. Definitely not desperate.”

“Can I give you my number then?”

He looked at Sadie. Pretty. Sweet. Eager to please. And a long fistful of hair he’d like to hold on to.


He should, but…

“Gotta be straight with you, Sadie. You can give it to me, but I’m unlikely to use it. I’m not a relationship guy. Not a long-distance guy. And the next couple of months of my life look like this.” He gestured around the backstage area.

“Fair enough. A kiss goodbye, though?” She shrugged her shoulders and bit down on her lip.