“You have got to be fucking shitting me.”
Luke’s voice echoed out into the arena corridor, and when Alex entered the room, he found Luke, tugging on the edges of his hair, while Willow, seated on a sofa watched him closely. Matt stood right next to him, speaking quietly.
Simon stepped in front of Luke. “Look, I get it. As a human being, I understand this is horrible timing and the label said they wouldn’t do this. But as your manager, I’m stoked that you guys are being put on such an aggressive touring track and that the label has so much faith in you. They’ve even baked a window of time toward the end of next year for you to record a second album. They’ve lined up Jimmy, who is excited to travel to Manchester to work with you and Cerys for a month to work in their studio. And the tour venues are getting bigger. More stadiums, and do you know how hard those things are to book. Europe in January, the States starting in April through July. They’re bending over backwards to make you a success.”
“What’s going on?” Alex asked.
Ed appeared to be the only person excited.
Jase threw an arm over his shoulder. “Normally it would be tremendous news. The tour has been expanded to a world tour. New recording schedule. World domination and all that shit. But the price of it is new dates added to the UK tour that runs right through when Willow is meant to have the baby.”
“Can’t we just say no?” Luke asked.
“But why would you do that? This is the best offer I’ve handled in a decade.” Simon asked.
“Why? Because I’m not missing the birth of my fucking baby because I’m in fucking Plymouth.”
Alex looked at Jase. “Plymouth?”
“Tour dates along the south coast either side of the due date. Margate. Brighton. Portsmouth. Plymouth.”
“Shit. That’s almost a five-hour drive away on a good day. Forget it on a Friday evening at rush hour.”
“Hence Luke’s freak out. Nice jacket, by the way.”
Alex tightened the belt of the dark green smoking jacket he’d found in a vintage shop. He’d also lined his eyes with the smoky dark green eyeshadow that had been waiting for him at the hotel courtesy of Zoe. It contained a note saying it would be sexier with the jacket than black. She was right. The gift had touched him.
“Thanks. Why don’t we use a helicopter? Like, can’t you put one of those on standby so as soon as Luke gets a call, he can get out of there quickly?”
Simon frowned. “You’re big, but you’re not U2 or Coldplay or Adele.”
Alex tapped the side of his head. “Yeah, but I appear to be the only one thinking laterally. I don’t want Luke to miss the birth of his kid or the moments after. And I don’t want to miss out on a tour. So, what are our options?”
“Your options are to say thank you for this wonderful opportunity and get on with it.”
“Not going to happen,” Luke shouted.
“Jesus,” Ben said. “Can we talk about this rationally for a second? I get that there’s an issue with Luke and Willow, but what about everyone else? I’m in. Jase?”
Jase flopped down on the sofa. “Easy for me. I get a world tour and Cerys comes with.”
Cerys shook her head. “No can do. I’m sorry. But I have to drop out and be back in the studio by the start of January.”
Jase’s grin disappeared. “Fuck. I’d forgotten about that. Do you have to make that album?”
Cerys folded her arms. “Sure. Let me give up the first chance I have to work solo with a major recording label and band so I can stay on tour with you.”
“Fine. Sorry, babe. You’re right. But we’ll be living together by then, right? So, when I come home, we’ll be together, right?”
Cerys grinned. “I see what you are doing there. Let’s not conflate the issues.” She turned to Ben. “I’m out, Jase is in.”
“Matt?” Ben asked.
“I’m sure Iz will agree with me that we should just make it work. We’ve grafted too hard and too long to not milk this moment for everything we’ve got. But I’m absolutely with Alex that we should try and problem-solve to see how we make it as painless as possible for Luke and Willow. And I know Iz has already offered to stay over with Willow while we’re all away. Extra pair of hands and all that. Plus, Iz gets to hang out with her nephew, which gets me a step closer to having one of our own.”
“Didn’t you only just get engaged?” Ben asked.