“Was it Iz? Do you need me to talk to her?”
“You know what? I need your friends to see you aren’t the only one making allowances here. You think I wanted to uproot my life and come and live in a foreign country for twelve months because puritanical skin care brands and clothing lines are obsessed with stereotypes? As if being a single mom is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, and it shouldn’t be something they aspire to. Because it sends the wrong message to young girls.” Willow paced back and forth. “I’d rather be home, where I know the difference between a pharmacy and a chemist, and jelly and jam. And where people don’t use a cup of tea as a cure for everything from feeling cold to depression. Instead, I’m here. Trying to create content that I have to think about all day to make sure it requires the absolute minimum effort from you, so you don’t huff and puff about the freaking inconvenience.”
“Will, please. I’ll be more accommodating when it comes to the content.” He reached for her wrist. “Don’t get upset.”
“Don’t get upset? Don’t. Get. Upset. I’m not upset. I’m furious. This isn’t just about you. It’s about ... urgh ... everything. You know what? This is a stupid fucking idea. I thought I could do this. I don’t think I can. I’ll just spin what we’ve got.”
She marched to the wardrobe and pulled her cases from the bottom.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to move out, so you don’t need to make any more accommodations for me. I’ll find a hotel room, for now. Take a break. Perhaps sleep a little.”
“The lawyer said it was best to stay here.”
Willow levelled him with a glare. “In England, Luke. Not in your apartment.”
Before she could place the case on the bed, Luke stood and gripped her wrist. “Stop, Will. You’re scaring the shit out of me right now. Please. Calm down.”
“Did you know that nobody in the history of the world ever calmed down by being told to calm down? Did I mention I’m trying to grow a child and live in the same space as you while managing the changes in my body? Like how my boobs feel like watermelons, and I am suddenly starved every freaking day, and how I’m horny as hell but I’m stuck here with you. I need to go.”
Luke let go of her wrist and cupped his hands on either side of her face before kissing her. Not gently, either. Ravenously. Hungrily. His tongue met hers in a collision, an explosion of feelings erupting inside. The constant low-grade hum of desire erupted down his spine. Angry kissing he could do.
She slid her hand into his hair, gripping his hair tightly, while her other hand snaked around his waist, beneath his T-shirt. Fuck, her hands felt good on him.
He lifted her as if she weighed nothing, slamming her back to the wall, his dick lining up against her clit in heaven-sent precision. Just one roll of his hips had them both groaning. A second pushed him closer to the glorious edge he suddenly wanted to fall over with her.
“Will,” Luke gasped, his lips tracing a passionate trail down her neck.
She tilted her head, allowing him greater access as she tilted her hips, encouraging him to continue. He gripped her butt, holding her in place.
This had bad idea written all over it. Emotions. Contracts. Anger.
But he couldn’t care.
Not with the very essence of her all over him. The taste of her kisses against his lips. The feel of her tongue on his skin. Her fingers tugging on his hair.
“Please, Luke,” she begged.
“You need this?” His voice was rough with need, but he rubbed his dick against her.
“Yes,” she cried. And he could feel the urgency of her pending release in the way she moved against him. “Just like that, just ... oh, God.”
For a moment, he realised that she was using him. Using him to escape whatever was going on. But he still couldn’t stop. Not until he’d given her what she needed.
He slid his hand beneath her skirt, to her panties that were wet, and nudged his finger beneath the lace.
Willow’s head flopped back against the wall as he first circled her clit, then slid between her lips. Memories of how good it had been to slide his dick into her, the way she’d opened her legs wide for him to settle between her thighs flashed before his eyes.
He wanted more.
He wanted her orgasm more than he wanted his next breath. “I know what you need. And you know what I want. Come for me, flower.”
The orgasm flooded through Willow like an opened dam. A deluge that drenched her and him. Everything about her responded to him, ready for everything else he wanted to give her. He felt every aftershock as it rippled through her and she sucked in air.
As she came down, he held on to her, holding her close as he slipped his finger from inside her. Luke pressed his head to the wall above her shoulder, his breathing as ragged as her own. He needed a release too.
“Take me to bed, Luke,” she whispered.