“Yeah, well. I’m not going to discuss this with you over the phone. You need to come back home and stop this garbage.”

“It’s not garbage. It’s facts. I need to consolidate my financials. I’m taking control of me, my business, and my brand.”

“You’re an employee of this company. It’s not yours to control. Any further conversation about money will have to be through lawyers. You know who mine are. Get yours to contact mine. I’ll see you before the end of the week.”

The phone went dead.


She’d not expected it to go well. But she’d at least expected more of a conversation.

Quickly, she dialled her lawyer’s number, leaving a detailed voicemail message.

Then she called one of the few people she could trust.

“Willow,” John said, before she could talk. “How’s England treating you?”

“It’s good, John. Rainy. Too much tea. But good.”

“Did you want Riley? Because she’s not home right now. She’s out with Jules and company.”

Willow took a deep breath, feeling a little envious that life was continuing on without her just fine. “No, I wanted to speak with you. Do you know a good accountant?”

“Sure. My guy is great. I’ll text you his details.”

“Thanks, John.”

There was a pause. “Hey, are you okay? You ... don’t sound like you.”

“I’m going to try to legally and financially emancipate from my dad. But he didn’t take it very well. He owes me a lot of money.”

“Oh, sweetheart. You need a lawyer.”

“I have one of those. And they are working with a forensic accountant. But I need someone to advise me now on what I have and how I should protect it.”

“Got it. But logistics aside, how are you really?”

For a moment she considered telling him about the baby but decided against it. Not like this, over the phone, in a hurry. “It’s a lot.”

“I bet. You didn’t go to England because of this, right? I mean, you could have come and stayed with us. We’ve got your back, Willow.”

Tears stung at his words. She wanted to trust him. Truly, she did. But it would be a miracle if he didn’t hurt her at some point, too. “I appreciate it. I came because I met a guy a few months ago and we’ve decided to give being together a try. It’s separate to this thing with Dad. Thanks for the accountant recommendation, though.”

“Any time. Look after yourself, kid.”

Just as she hung up and was about to open her online bank account, a pain pierced her side so sharply she gasped and fell to her knees.

“Shit,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Oh my God.”

The baby.

Stress. Worry. Did her insurance cover an ambulance?

She patted her hand along the counter until she found her phone. True to his word, Luke had texted her everyone’s number. With shaking hands, she dialled Chaya’s.

“Hello,” Chaya said after the phone had rung several times.

“Chaya,” she gasped. “It’s Willow. I ... my side ... I need to go to the hospital.”

“I’m with Iz. I’ll be right down. Iz has a key to Luke’s, so don’t move.”

She placed her hand over her side and doubled over, the searing heat causing her to cry out again.

She couldn’t lose the only thing she’d ever wanted.

Not now.