“We have a country we’re going to live in.”
“We do.” Her grin grew.
“We have a settlement.”
Willow reached out and touched the wooden salad bowl on the counter. “Knock on wood. You might jinx us. But yes, it looks like we do.”
“This. You, me, us. It’s permanent, right? The forever kind of permanent.”
“It is.”
“And you’re coming on tour with me, right?”
“I am.”
“Good, because I miss you when you aren’t there, and I’m a horny fucker.” He opened the top two buttons of her pyjamas.
“I’ve not eaten my oatmeal,” she said, gripping his wrist.
“I’ll make you some more. Stay focused on the list. We need to get you indefinite leave to remain status, right?”
“If that is what it’s called to stay here permanently, then yes.”
“And if marriage increases our chance of making that happen, you’ll marry me, even though I’m still in therapy.”
“It’s because you are in therapy that I’ll marry you.” Willow grinned. “But that didn’t sound like a question.”
“It wasn’t. Because I wasn’t proposing. Not yet. But only because Matt is about to propose to Iz, and I don’t want to steal their thunder.”
“Oh my God. When? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s a secret and I’m not meant to tell you. I’m going shopping for her ring with Matt tomorrow.”
“This is the best freaking week.”
Luke resumed opening her pyjamas, and this time, she let him. “Didn’t feel like it at the start of the week, but yeah. It’s turned into something pretty damn amazing. Just like you and me.”
He slipped her pyjama top off her shoulder, laying a trail of kisses from her jaw, down her neck, along her clavicle. “It feels like everything on our to-do list is done, bar one thing.”
“Are you really going to marry me?”
“Yeah. I am, flower. Do you think you might say yes?” He lifted her off the stool clumsily, thanks to her bump, and she laughed as she threw her arms around his neck and clung to him for dear life. “If I survive the next five minutes, then yes, Luke, I will say yes.”
“Good,” he said. “Now, let’s tick that final thing off our list. I feel like having you for breakfast.”