“I should go,” Willow said, trying to stand up.

Luke tugged her down. “Like I said. Ten other people willing to stand up for us. It’s time we let them and realise neither of us is alone anymore.”

His lips had just touched hers when he heard Nan yell again.

“And I’ll sue if anyone prints a picture of the inside of my house, you scumbag,” Nan shouted.

The photographer raised his long lens again. “It’s freedom of the press.”

“The press?” Nan yelled, rolling up her copy of the paper. “I’ll give you the bloody press.” She smacked the photographer repeatedly on the side of his head.

“Jesus,” Ben said, stepping outside to grab Nan.

“I’ll sue,” the man yelled.

“For taking a smack with a bit of paper from a septuagenarian?” Ben shouted. “What kind of arsehole are you? Get the fuck out of here.”

The man disappeared out of view.

“Wow,” Zoe said. “Nan’s feisty.”

“That I am,” she said, coming back into the living room. “Now. Where were we? Oh, right. Food.”

Feeding everybody must have been expensive, given Nan was on a pension. “Give me a sec, Will,” Luke said, following Nan into the kitchen.

He pulled his wallet from his pocket. “Hey, Nan. Thanks for looking after everyone. Can I give you some money for all the food and—”

“No, you can’t. Now, go and help that girl of yours decide what to do next.”

“But Nan. It’s a lot. Feeding twelve people.”

“You’d be amazed how far I can stretch a couple of tins of salmon and a few white baps. I’m literally a modern-day Jesus feeding the five thousand from a few loaves and fishes.”

“You’re a miracle worker. But let me give you twenty quid to cover it.”

Nan placed her hand on his cheek. “Houses filled with love have elastic walls and elastic cupboards, lad. It’s always been my dream to have a big family. But I was only blessed with my two girls, and while one has left the family by choice, look how many people are in my house right now. This, feeding you all, seeing you grow, watching you fall in love with strong, capable women. It’s my best life, Luke. And if it takes every penny of my pension to feed you all, I’d willingly spend it. Because the fact that this house, my house, was the one you all chose as shelter today ... well, that warms my heart. So don’t deprive me of doing my job, Luke, for the sake of twenty quid.”

For some reason, the words, softly spoken, caused his eyes and nose to tingle with the beginning of tears.

“Thanks, Nan.”

“Why don’t you and Willow start coming over for tea on a Tuesday? Ben and Alex come on a Saturday. Matt and Jase on a Sunday. When they’re in town. I’d say Monday, but I have bingo.”

He put his arms around her and hugged her. “Tuesdays it is. Thanks, Nan. For everything.”

Her small hands patted his back. “You’re welcome.”

Words couldn’t express the flood of love filling his heart as he stepped back into the living room and looked at his bandmates and his friends. “I have an idea, Willow. I think we should record a clip. You and me. No makeup or pretences. And just explain.”

He crouched in front of her. “We met. You got pregnant. We agreed to pretend for all the reasons the internet is fake and unkind. And we fell in love.”

“It’s as simple as that?” she asked.

“Yeah, flower. It’s as simple as that.”

“Can I do my hair?”

He touched the tousled edges of her messy bun. “Sure, if it makes you feel better.”