Page 43 of Jax: Untamed

I try anyways, and type in Danny’s birthday.

“Invalid passcode. You have two more attempts before total emergency lockdown.”

The words make me jump, “What the hell?”

My stomach clenches feeling something so wrong, but I push down the sensation to overreact and proceed to find the side door…and the back doors…even a few windows. All the doors have the same security pad and I’m too afraid to keep typing in incorrect codes. I have no idea whattotal lockdownmeans but it’s frightening. None of the windows have a visible lock and I assume they are in the same condition as the doors with some sort of master lock code.

A sheath of panic rushes over my body and this time I don’t stuff it back down.

This doesn’t feel right.

As I rush back to the front door, I peer through all the windows looking for any sign of the bodyguards Jax spoke of. I see one across the yard and I knock and yell against the window.

He doesn’t hear me so I do it harder, louder and he finally looks my way. I motion frantically, rushing words out telling him I’m locked in and when he reaches the window, he gives me an apathetic glare and speaks through the glass, “Go sit down. Mr. Astor doesn’t want you going anywhere.”

The words send shivers down my spine.

Have I been left with the wrong people? Are these bodyguards the threat? Have they tricked Jax?

I stumble backwards tripping over the dining room table, and I continue to move backwards until I’m flush with the island.

Did Jax do this? Did he lock me in here? Have I trusted the wrong person? Ishebehind the letters?

Complete and utter horror fills my body and I fall on the stool.

Every single minute of the days leading up to this plays like a movie in my head. I rearrange them, replay them, plug in theories and still can’t come to any conclusion other than I’m not so sure I’m safe anymore.

My fight or flight responses are in overdrive as I decide to fight back. I start to open all cabinets, not knowing what I’m searching for. I open all the drawers along the long counters but nothing out of the ordinary shows up.

Not knowing where to start, or what to think, tears fill my eyes as I slump to the living room, where I fall on the couch. I pull my legs to my chest on the big cushion scrunching the fabric beneath me and sob into them.

“What is going on?” I cry out as I barely lift my head and something catches my eye on the mantle.

Something behind the left-over crystal decanter.

I work my way there hastily and move the bottle. There’s a small pill bottle, prescription. Sleeping pills prescribed to Jax.

I open the bottle and see powder from crushed pills and gasp as I drop the bottle.

A montage of memories of those chocolate eyes, that sweet grin, those caring hands flash before me as the room starts to spin. I feel breathless. The floor is moving. I stumble.


Chapter 20


The key pad lights up as I touch it and the motion light brightens the doorway. I didn’t mean to stay gone this long, but matters had to be handled and I’m just another step closer to making her safe.

I punch in the code and the front door unlocks. I push it open and something feels off.


I turn to shut the door and something hard and cold hits me on my shoulder, “holy shit! What the fuck are you doing?”

I turn around grabbing the assaulted area feeling how close she came to the back of my head. Her eyes, normally a cool icey blue are deep and dark, filled with something I haven’t seen before.

“What are you doing is more like it!” The piece of décor that normally sits on the table in the foyer is pointed straight at me, shaking along with her.