Page 7 of Vampire King

Her lips part as she watches me taste her, the hand of the wrist I grip relaxing as she fights against the desire creeping into her eyes. I could seduce her further, enthrall her until she can only think of my cock and letting me feast on her. I wouldn’t hesitate with any other human but I do with her for some reason.

I want her to accept the bargain of her free will.

“Six months at my side, letting me feed from you when I wish or require,” I say before pressing my lips to the cut Ashe made and sucking gently. I want to bury my fangs in her, but I won’t—not until she agrees to be only mine. I could get drunk on her blood, higher than any drug has ever taken me.

Eloise has never been fed from before, not even the faintest, oldest trace of a vampire lingers in her blood. My cock swells at that. I will claim her in all ways, her body and soul.

She swallows audibly. “One month in exchange for the safe return of Deidre.”

I pulled back, licking the taste of her from my lips as I fight back a smile. Rarely do people attempt to counteroffer with me.

“Three months and Deidre is returned to you in good physical health or, in the likelihood of her already being dead, her body returned to you.”

Her eyes harden at the suggestion that her friend may already be dead, the coals of desire being replaced with flames of anger. “Three months if she is returned whole, and if she is found and returned dead, I’m free to leave.”

Raising an eyebrow, I let her go. Her terms are fair, and I don’t find myself annoyed at her audacity. If I want the full three months, my lion would have to find her very quickly. I have the feeling I’ll need them to convince her to stay. If Kasar brings Deidre back dead, this juicy lamb will walk free, if short one dear friend. Then I’ll have to hunt her, and something tells me she’ll fight as fiercely as I would against such a thing.

“Three months with you living in my home. In addition to providing your blood, you will be at my side when I request and sleep in my bed.”

“I’m not a fucking whore.”

“No, but you will beminefor those three months if I cannot have your blood for six.”

Eloise brings her wrist to her chest, holding it as she studies me. Her skin will be healing already, thanks to the enzymes in my saliva. Her shoulders curl inwards and there is a different sort of fear in her now.

“Will you force me to have sex with you?” Her voice is practically meek compared to the snark she’d used when she first addressed me. She’s dropped her stare to the floor between us, the carpet matted with dried blood.

I have the overwhelming urge to hunt down whoever had hurt her and tear them apart, piece by slow piece. The response is unnatural and I push it away as a fluke of biology. She’s simply the adorable runt of a dog litter, only surviving because someone felt the need to protect her.

“No,” I say before the silence could drag on. Her eyes snap up to meet mine. My voice is gentle and I ignore the stare of Ashe. He’s probably wondering what the fuck is going on with me and I’m wondering the same. I harden my tone. “If I fuck you, it will be when you’re begging me. So, Ms. Morse. Do we have a bargain?”

To her credit, Eloise only hesitates for a single heartbeat before offering her hand—the same arm I’d tasted her from. I grip her hand, my own nearly wrapping entirely around hers, and shake once.

“We do,” she says, her voice barely shaking.

When she tries to release my hand, I tug her forward instead. She lands hard against my chest, her other hand flat just above my cold heart. I wrap my other arm around her, my hand gripping her hair to hold her firmly in place. Eloise struggles against me, and I bite back a groan at the delicious feeling.

Ignoring her useless efforts, I speak to Ashe. “Tell Kasar he is to find this Deidre, last seen at the Gato’s Paw before disappearing. I want her found quickly, and her safety is paramount.”

“Yes, sire,” Ashe says and slips from the room. I turn my attention back to the woman in my arms.

The scent of her fear is heady, and her heart slams against her ribs. This close I can hear it; a faint seductive thrum begging for my fangs. “I’ve made good on my part of the bargain,” I say and pull her head back, forcing her to bare the unblemished column of her neck to me. “Now it is your turn.”

I strike quickly, sinking my fangs into Eloise’s neck.

Chapter Four


Primitive fear comes as Ambrose’s fangs sink into my neck. There is pain too, but a small part of me notes it’s no worse than getting blood drawn at the doctor’s office.

Lightning scatters across my skin as his fangs withdraw and his lips—his sinfully soft lips—close around the punctures and suck greedily. Ambrose has captured me, his unnatural strength never giving up against my struggle. This is for Deidre, I remind myself as the fear fades. I close my eyes and sink into the vampire’s embrace.

He growls with approval, and the sound goes straight to my core.

God, his feeding is doing something to me. I’m grateful we’re alone; I don’t want the other vampire to see my defenses crumbling. I grip the front of his pressed shirt with both hands, trying in vain to anchor myself to reality while ignoring the feel of him. With his mouth on my neck, his tongue against my skin, the idea of Ambrose using me for sex isn’t so terrible. Especially when his hand in my hair slides down under my jaw, his strong fingers wrapping around my neck in a way that screams possession. It doesn’t hurt that he smells amazing; of rich leather and frankincense.

I whimper as he licks my neck and then his mouth is gone, and so is he. I stagger, no longer held up by Ambrose, who has moved to the other side of the desk. My head spins and my heart beats so loud I’m convinced he can hear it.