My males. My guardians. My warriors.

Tiernan moved down, nudging his cock at the opening of my sex, our combined wetness arousing me to the point of mania. I could hardly breathe. Didn’t know if I wanted to. I wanted him—theminside me. I pressed against Tiernan, the only invitation he needed.

He slammed his length into me, grasping my waist. I curled my leg over him to give him a better opening. Gasped as he filled me.

Reaching back, I found Alaric’s pulsing solid length, beading with his own unsated desire and stroked the length of it. Opening my Grace tofeelboth of them, physically and mentally. Alaric moaned at my touch, and I moaned at the slow, teasing thrusts of Tiernan, who blew hot breath against my nipples with each movement.

The combined lust, love, passion, and desire of all of us rose to a blinding, deafening roar inside me. And I knew I needed the joining of us all. Discerning my need, Alaric whispered huskily at my ear, his breath hot and tingling the small hairs on my neck, “Are you sure?”

I moaned, nodding, gasping, “Yes.”

I release him, and he gently probed my other opening, pressing in just slightly, before pulling back again. I sucked in a breath at the double sensation, at the slight prick of pain. But he eased himself inside slowly, little by little, until the both of them were fully inside me. I growled hungrily, my nails digging hard into the flesh of Tiernan’s back at the fullness. It was almost too much.

My body convulsed, and I fed off their twin desires, their own growing need for release. And I moved, rotating my hips, moving up and down. Feeling both of them sliding in and out together in perfect harmony. The pressure of the building release expanded with me, filling every bit of me. Tripping and tumbling through my every nerve as I moved faster and faster.

Alaric’s grip tightened on my hip, and Tiernan’s mouth opened in ecstasy as he stared directly into my eyes. “Come for us,” he commanded, and. I. Exploded…

The release coming so swiftly, rocking me so hard, I lost all the breath in my lungs in one thunderous moan. They came with me, calling out their own release. Their bodies coiling around me, tensed, and shaking.

And I was left quivering between two chests of solid steel, wrapped in the safe, warm arms of my loves. Drifting like a spark of flame carried off in a gentle breeze.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Even with their dwindled numbers, Ricon’s army was still a sight to behold. The trap Kade and Finn had helped Silas put in place—which consisted of using up all the palace’s stores of pitch, and Kade’s Grace of fire—had taken out another hundred. But that still left us outnumbered.

From the east facing terrace we watched them breaking through the trees in the thin forest to the north like grain through a sieve. Crawling over the land like a black disease, spreading until they formed a line, a thick barrier of men and Fae as close together as teeth in a comb. My heart thudded in my chest, and my teeth were so tightly clenched I thought one might crack.

Liana stared on in horror, saying nothing. Her breath puffing around her face in gasping clouds while she repeatedly stroked Arrow’s feathers. The falcon crooned, but I wasn’t sure if the petting was to reassure the falcon, or if it were more for Liana to calm herself.

The others stood quietly, too. Tiernan, with his spine erect and gaze focused. Kade and Finn much the same, their wings twitching with their innate need to be airborne. I had half a mind to tell them to take Liana and run. But she would never allow it, and they wouldn’t get far, anyway.

As Ricon’s force came to a grating stop a few hundred paces from the palace, awaiting command, I searched through the mass of crowded bodies. Trying and failing to find Ricon.


Where was he? It was our best chance… perhaps our only chance. To find and kill him—cut the head off the snake, so to speak. It would force them to retreat, and then the pickings would be easy. But where in the gods’ namewashe?

I wrapped an arm around Liana’s shaking shoulders and she melted into my embrace, stealing some of my warmth with her frost-covered skin. After last night, Tiernan and I had held her, laying there lazily by the warmth of the hearth on the carpet. The three of us a tangle of limbs bathed in the orange glow of flame. My cock twitched at the memory of being inside her. Of seeing her give herself over to us completely. Trusting. Us entirely hers. Her entirely ours.

It was a promise of what life could be and I wanted it more than I ever wanted anything else in my long life.

I had fought the urge to sleep as long as I could, but eventually I’d found myself woken up by Finn and Kade as they came through the terrace. I’d fumbled for my sword in the shadows, until I’d seen their faces in the glow of the embers still burning in the hearth.

They weren’t one bit surprised to find us as we were. Finn tucked a blanket over Liana and Tiernan’s sleeping forms and lifted their heads onto a pillow. Kade stoked the fire and added a few logs. And there we’d stayed. The five of us together, waiting for dawn.

It’s all happened so fast.Too fast.We hadn’t had enough time together. And this would not be our end. I wouldn’t let it.

By the looks in the eyes of the others, they were thinking the same way. It was time for the real fight, and we wouldn’t stop until it was over. One way or another.

“We wait,” I whispered to Liana, feeling her getting anxious, her blood buzzing with the need to go into action. Todosomething. “We let the archers take as many of them as they can. We holdhere,within the walls and launch our attacks.”

She nodded gravely, her skin warming until it was near burning with her fury and passion. I squeezed her shoulder before I let go.

We waited, watching with the steady, single-focused gaze of a hawk. Until the sun fell lower in the sky, and I could see the moon at the same time.

Late afternoon.