In the relative calm of my chambers, I felt useless.

At least Kade and Finn had Silas’ call to answer and left to help him in his last ditch effort to slow Ricon’s army. But I was to remain here. And Alaric and Tiernan would stay with me.

I took a slow sip of the warm spiced wine, reveling the burn as it slithered down my throat. Tiernan and Alaric sat with me in the parlor, both seemingly transfixed by the fames in the hearth. Their brows narrowed, and jaws taught. Hands clasped together, and bodies tense.

Tiernan’s golden hair shone with strands of copper in the firelight, and his green eyes looked more hazel. The fire cast shadows over his sharp-angled features.

Alaric’s chest heaved with his sigh, and I noticed—I think for the first time—how the stubble on his face had grown a bit longer. Strands of deep chestnut, blackest onyx, and bits of fiery amber and gilded gold all blended together into a lovely warm deep brown. The short beard suited him. Took some sharpness away from his jaw and brought color to his usually paler features. Made his steel-blue eyes seem brighter.

Looking at my guardians, I realized there was still one last thing—a last request I would see fulfilled before dawn broke over my palace and we were at war again.

Rising from the chair where I sat between them, I turned to go back to my chambers, untying and discarding the robe covering my bare body as I went. I glanced back, finding the pair of them leaning over the arms of their chairs, wide-eyed. Perhaps a little confused.

“Well?” I said, beckoning them forward with nothing but my haughty stare. A cool breeze whipped through the parlor, hardening my nipples and lifting the hair from my shoulders. “Are you coming, or not?”

They shared a look before tripping over themselves in their haste to stand, straightening their jackets when they finally found their footing, eyes ablaze with hunger of a different sort.

I reached out my hands to them. One for each. Alaric took my left, gasping as the strength of the desirous emotions coursing through me rushed into him. The insatiableneed.He whipped his gaze back to meet mine, his brows pulling together.

At first, I thought perhaps it was foolish—but as his expression changed to match mine, I changed my mind. It wasn’t a foolish desire to want to lie with him one last time.

I caught my bottom lip between my teeth. Worked to soothe the shiver of pleasure snaking down my spine. Reached out and took Tiernan’s hand in my right.

He jolted as I allowed the emotions I felt to run through my fingertips and into him. And when the wave came crashing back, it was blended with his own desire—even wilder and stronger than my own.

I gasped. Bit my lip.

“I want you,” I said to Tiernan, whose gaze deepened, and his fevered breathing increased, “And you,” I said to Alaric, who shuddered as I ran my hand up the inside of his wrist, over the bulge of his bicep, bringing it up to rest gently against the pulse at his neck. “I want both of you…now—before…”

“Don’t say it,” Tiernan ordered, his voice husky and commanding. He pulled me to him, crushed his lips against mine. I moaned loudly against his mouth, and he slipped his tongue between my teeth, coaxing another moan from somewhere deep in belly. My skin flushed, and my toes curled.

A forceful tug on my other hand ripped me away from Tiernan, my already swollen lips meeting Alaric’s with a passion that stole the breath from my lungs.

There came a loud groan and my eyes fluttered open to see Tiernan kicking the low table out of the way, leaving the plush rug beneath our feet bare. Alaric moved to kiss the corner of my mouth, my jawline, my neck. Down to my collarbone, and the place right above my breasts.

Tiernan took hold of my wrists, binding them in his strong fingers. He lowered me to the floor and Alaric followed, settling over me when Tiernan jerked my clasped hands up high above my head and held them firmly in place. My sex wetted at the restraint and the anticipation. My back arched, and my body writhed, begging without the need for words to be touched.

Alaric’s famished stare climbed my body from my neck, all the way down to my navel and then lower still, his eyes leaving a trail of gooseflesh in their wake as though the touch were physical.

I hadn’t known how badly I needed this. How badly weallneeded this. This one last escape before…

Alaric grabbed me by the ankles, his lust radiating through the soles of my feet and up through every nerve ending in my body. I cried out. He split my legs. Licked his lips, leaving them glistening in the light from the hearth.

He knelt between my legs, lowering his body to the ground. He all but disappeared beneath the mounds of my breasts. His hand lazily stroking the smooth skin of my inner thigh.

I sucked in a breath. Tiernan rearranged his hands to hold both of mine in one of his. He grasped my chin, jerking my head back roughly, but not painfully, to meet his haughty stare. “Look atme,” he said, and his jade eyes glinted with fire.

Alaric’s fingers entered me, and my eyes closed, my body shuddering at the release. Tiernan’s grip on my chin tightened, and my eyes flew back open. His mouth claimed mine at the same time Alaric’s mouth closed over my clit. Ravenously. Tongues swirling, flicking. Tiernan’s hand slithered down my neck to rub my breasts. Palm my hardened, aching nipples. Tug and twist them. Meanwhile Alaric was working magic with his tongue and fingers.

I writhed and tugged at my arms, trying unsuccessfully to pull my hands free so I could touch them. But Tiernan wasn’t having it, and I found that the tightening of his grip brought another sort of pleasure. It rippled through me, the sense of being not in control in the most beautiful way.

The heat grew in my core, but I tempered it, kept it bearable. Alaric circled my opening with his tongue, easing his fingers out and then sharply back in. Again, and again until I was left weakened and moaning. Finding my end at the same time Tiernan bit down on the sensitive skin just below my ear.

Pieces of me I’d thought were dead, numb, reignited into life.

The orgasm rocked me, and I was dizzy from the force of it. When my head stopped spinning, I realized we had moved. My hands were free, and I was lying on my side, facing the still burning flames of the hearth. Tiernan laid in front of me, his trousers had vanished, and his length pressed against my navel.

I sucked in a breath at the sight of him, a bead of moisture dripping down the head of his cock. I shivered as Alaric trailed a hand down the curve of my back, resting it in the dip above my hip bone. He grasped me, pressing his naked length against my back. I went wild with desire, my hips moving, alternatingly backing up into Alaric, and pushing against Tiernan. This.Thisis what I wanted. What Ineeded.Both of them.