I stuck my tongue out at the captain and his eyes widened at the childish gesture, “Last I checked,Iwas still the queen. Have a little patience!”

Tiernan snorted a laugh, leading me on a little more quickly than before.

My rear wasnumb by the time the sun set behind the trees. My thighs screaming and lower back aching.Ugh.After this trip, I’d never travel by horseback again.

At least the border was close, and we’d be making camp for the night soon. Soon I’d have a warm fire and a belly full of food. I salivated at the thought. I should have taken Edris’ suggestion and traveled by carriage. It would have cost us another day, but I imagine I’d be much less sore and not have to expend my energy using my Grace to heal myself, so I could sleep without aching.

Finn brought up the rear and at my loudly exaggerated sigh, he spurred his steed faster to come up alongside me. “Are you alright?” he asked, giving me a pained smile.

I sighed again, “Please tell me we’ll make camp soon.”

He laughed, and I turned to meet his bright honey eyes. “We will. Just a bit further.”

I’d been trying to distract myself. Occupying my thoughts with anything but the clomping of hooves and the tang of damp earth and dung. I wondered if Finn knew the answers to the questions rattling around in my brain.

I wondered if I’d need tore-consummate the bond between myself and Alaric. And if the consummation should happen before or after the actual ceremony to have the best effect… because that would mean I’d need to bed Tiernan again. I swallowed, soothing the ache of desire in my belly.

Really, I just wanted them again.

I knew it. Might as well admit it. Even though I still bore the soreness from Kade the night before.

And then there was Finn, too. He was the only one I hadn’t had yet, and I wondered what it’d be like with him to share my bed. With the others, I knew what to expect, but I was at a loss with Finn. My quiet, thoughtful guardian. What would it be like when he…

“Gods, Liana. Your scent is driving me wild,” he said, shaking his head.

Oops.“I forgot about the whole smelling desire thing. Sorry,” I said, clucking my tongue, not sorry at all if I was being honest, “But we do need to consummate our bond. You’re the only one that—”

“Not yet,” he interrupted, giving his head a small shake—his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

“But I thought you said we should all—”

“I know, but—well—I don’t want us to force it. I think it should happen… naturally. And I’ll wait as long as that takes.”

My brows knitted together, and I was sure I had the most confused expression on my face, “Forced?” I asked him. “Finn, do you think I don’t want you?”

He watched where Alaric and Tiernan turned a bend in the narrow road up ahead, “It’s not about that,” he whispered, finally looking at me. “I want you, too.” A sudden hunger set his iris’ aglow and the gold chain he still wore around his neck glinted in the sun. “With you, it’s different. I want it to be more than a means to an end. More than just fucking. I want you to want me in the moment because—well, because you simplydo.Not because you feel compelled to follow through with your vow.”

My throat went dry and my heart squeezed.

I could say nothing. Not after that. I gave him a nod and tugged at the tether binding us together to tell him I understood. And I would wait with bated breath for that moment, too. I calmed the roused emotions of lust and desire coursing through me with deep, steady breaths.

He sucked in a deep breath of his own, “Besides, you’ll be needing a rest after my brother was through with you—am I right?”

“Ugh, Finn!”

He winked at me and sped off to catch up with the others, leaving me lashing at the reins, trying to spur Scylla to follow. But the damned beast wouldn’t speed to anything more than a lazy canter.

I shook my head, giving up. Docile,indeed.

Chapter Fifteen


We found a spot to camp in the woods a few hundred yards from the southern road. The border between the Night Court and the day was only a mile away. We’d cross it in the early morning, before the dew dried. If all went according to plan, we’d arrive at the Suriel’s palace by late afternoon.

Liana had the fire roaring before Tiernan could place the last log. Turned out the Day Courter was skilled with a bow just as well as he was skilled with a blade. He’d speared two rabbits along the way. One through the eye, and as I cleaned the other, I saw where the arrowhead had punctured its heart. I shook my head, my lips parting.

“When we get back,” I said to him, finishing with the skinning, “You need to teach me how to shoot like that.”