“There!” I shouted moments later, unable to wait any longer. The wetness between my legs and theachingneed in my gut needed to be satisfied. Now.

Kade nodded, lowering us onto the outcropping of rock below the cliff—only twenty yards above the crashing of the waves below. No trees or homes or palaces to burn. Just stone, water, and moonlight.

Our feet connected with the black rock, and I pushed him back—using all my strength to force him against the cliff wall. He smashed into it, shock registering in his features before I jumped back onto him, wrapping my legs securely around his waist. His cock pressed against my sex—only his trousers and my delicate silk panties standing in our way.

His hand wound up my back, grabbing a fistful of my hair, crushing my body to him.

I fumbled with the buttons on his trousers. He spun, pressing my back against the stone. The wind knocked from my lungs for a second before I could fill them again. Stars danced before my eyes.

He reached down between my breasts, his hands brushing against the swell of them—forcing my nipples to stand erect—aching. Down my stomach. Between my thighs. The fire simmered on the surface of my skin. I breathed hard and fast to calm it.

I need him.

I lifted my skirts for him, pulling them up high—bunching them in a fist.

I want him inside me.

He growled. Tore my panties from me.

I gave up with the buttons and ripped them from the fabric. His cock sprang free. Huge and dripping with his own burning desire.

His glowing eyes met mine and time seemed to slow. Our breaths puffed like steam in the chill autumn air… and then it sped up again. He lifted me, pressed me against the stone and thrust into me. I gasped at the fullness. At the slight pain that morphed into the most glorious pleasure. So—sofull.

I clawed at his vest and tunic—tearing them from his body. Running my hands over the ridges and valleys of his scorching muscle. With each of his thrusts my back rammed against the stone. He wrapped his arms around my back, trying to absorb some of the impact. But it didn’t hurt. Far from it.

His kiss became fevered, almost delirious. He caught my bottom lip between his teeth and I almost came undone.

Kade slowed his pace, and the heat at my core built. Our shared bond and our shared Grace were too much. He shuddered against me, his fingers digging into my back and mine scratching into his.

I moaned against his lips, “Kade,” I whimpered, my body shaking as the quickening began deep within. Growing and growing with each quick thrust.

He sucked in a breath, and I let go. He cried out, finding his release with me, and we burst into magnificent, blazing flame…

Chapter Fourteen


“Are you sure you’re alright to ride?” Alaric asked for the third time as he finished buckling the saddle onto my horse.

Its name was Scylla, and the stable-boy assured me she was the most docile horse he’d ever tended to.

I pet her long mane as she stooped to pick up another mouthful of hay. Chewed it with her enormous chomping teeth.

“I told you already. I’m fine.”

Dawn had already broken over Meloran, dying the sky a soft, hazy, orange. We should have left already. It would be a long journey. We wouldn’t reach the border until late in the evening, and then it would take us half a day still to make our way to the Day Queen’s palace.

That was the stretch Alaric and the others most worried about. The bit between their border and the palace. We’d steer clear of villages and other Fae as much as we could. But it was also why we wore neutral colors. Nothing to give away our status or represent our court’s colors of midnight blue and silver.

“He must’ve taken it easy on you,” Finn teased, “Probably afraid you’d break.”

I pouted, blushing in earnest. Tried to tie my bursting saddlebags to Scylla. Kade had left an hour earlier—to check the state of things with Silas and the Horde. He would return to the palace later this eve to keep an eye on things here, too. At the first sign of trouble, he’d send me a message through the bond and Finn would fly me home as quickly as he was able.

He’d already sent me a few messages—explaining what he’d do to me when I returned. I’d had to squash the birthing of fire at my core several times already that morning. But I was glad he’d finally come back to himself. I hoped his guilt and torment over what’d happened was finally over.

And Iwassore. But I wasn’t about to tellthemthat. My back, I’d healed—the roadmap of purple and black would’ve made for an uncomfortable ride. But I didn’t heal the slight aching down below. That, I would leave to heal on its own.

“Here,” Tiernan said, stepping in, “Let me help.”