I cocked my head at her.

“Thanking me,” she explained, laughing while she straightened the decanter and glasses on the table by the wall, “I’m only doing my job.”

Right.I blew out a breath, licking my suddenly dry lips.

“I suppose we should let them come in now,” I said, trailing off.

They would be restless by now, cooped up in the dining room. But they understood. I didn’t like that we had to rush this of all things, but since that was the way it had to be, I wanted it be as perfect as possible.

You only bond once after all—even if that bonding is a bond made between four males and one female.

We’d have to be very precise, perfect in our wording and timing, but Finn was confident it would work. And so was I.

If I was right, Morgana had bound herself to her not four, butfiveDraconian guardians. And if they could do it, so could we.

“Would you like me to go and get them, majesty?” Jaen asked, folding her hands neatly at her front, an encouraging smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

“No,” I said, my pulse pounding in my ears, “I’ll get them.”

“Then I’ll take my leave. Good luck, Liana.”

Deep breaths.That’s it. In and out.

I swallowed, fidgeting with the delicate fabric of my gown, and made for the dining room.

The hallways were dark, and much cooler than the parlor. I rushed through them to get to my males, anxious—no,eagerto see them and to do what we should have done long ago. There was no reason to be nervous, I told myself. Despite my fear of what others might think, I knew in my bones this was the right way for me. Forus.

I wanted nothing more than to be joined in every possible way to them. And if we were to meet our ends when Ricon set his army upon us, then at least we’d have this one thing. And if there was an afterlife, perhaps we’d be together there, too. Through the strength of our Immortal Bonds.

Exhaling, I rolled my shoulders back, set my jaw and strolled into the dimly lit chamber. They sat in silence. My fourperfectwarriors. Alaric, with his head bent—deep in thought. Kade, pacing the floor, looking more nervous than I thought him capable of. Tiernan, standing quietly with Arrow at the window, absently stroking the falcon’s feathers. And Finn, nodding as though reassuring himself that this would work—that it was the right thing.

Kade was the first to notice me, and stopped mid-stride, his jaw dropping. He took a moment to school his features, shut his maw, and take a breath. The others raised their eyes to meet mine one by one. Their stares caressed me from tip to toe, awakening the embers at my core into a slow-burning flame.

“It’s time,” I said, not trusting myself to say more than two words.

Finn and Alaric rose, and the four of them came to me. Alaric brushed the lace sleeve of my gown and his emotions ran through me like lightning’s strike. Pain, desire, trust, fear, andlove.I felt the emotions from all my males. Recognized their mirror images within me.

Tiernan clasped my hand in his, and Finn tucked a stay hair back into the knot at the nape of my neck.

Kade took my other hand, “We’re ready,” he said, “Lead the way.”

I led them down the hallway and into the orange glow of the parlor.

“You’ve outdone yourself,” Finn said, his eyes roving the large room.

I shrugged, “I just want this to be perfect.”

“And it is perfect,” Tiernan injected.

A hot blush climbed up my neck and I reached for the decanter, ready to pour us all a drink.

“Allow me,” Alaric said, taking it from me, his hands brushing against mine. I shivered at the contact, my stomach tightening at the thought of having him again. At having all of them.

Tonight, I would have Kade. I looked to where the mighty Draconian warrior sat, pensive, chewing his bottom lip. Since he would be the one to stay behind—we’d have to consummate our bond before myself and the others left at first light. I licked my lips.

I’d wanted Kade since the moment I saw him. His strong jaw, chiseled chest, bronze skin, and beautiful black wings. But now that I knew him, I wanted him even more—and in different ways. My protector. My friend. The male who would do anything for those he cares about without a thought towards his own wellbeing. The stubborn ass who isn’t afraid to speak his mind. I love all of him.

I just wished he would look at me. He was so damned quiet over there, I was beginning to think he was having seconds thoughts.