Kade’s eyes sparked to life. His Grace ignited. Alaric gave him a warning glance, “We have no other choice—”

“And I suppose you would havemestay behind. I can see it already. Tiernan knows the lands and you’ll need Finn’s mind. Andyou. You would never allow her to go without you.”

Kade was right but arguing about it would solve nothing. We had to take the chance. I didn’t like the idea of leaving Kade behind any more than I was sure he liked the idea of letting me go without him. But there was one way we could still keep watch over one another.

It was time. Full moon or not.

We may not get another chance.

“Stop it, all of you,” I said in a rush, standing on leaden legs, “Wewillgo to the Day Court and ask for their aid. Alaric is right, we have no other choice but to trust they’ll honor the old law,” I nodded to my captain, “And someone will need to stay behind and keep an eye on things here… but first we’ll be bonded.”

Kade narrowed his glowing yellow gaze at me, “But I thought Finn said—”

“Iknowwhat Finn said. But we don’t have time to wait for the full moon. I won’t leave you here without having a way to watch over you.”

The Draconian nodded his understanding. He’d go mad if he didn’t have some way of knowing I was alright, too. “We bond then.”

Tiernan and Alaric nodded their agreement. “Call a council meeting and tell Finn when he returns that the bonding ceremony will happentonight. We’ll leave for the Day Court tomorrow at first light.”

Chapter Eleven


Istill couldn’t believe Edris convinced me to allow him to come with us. I shook my head. The council had been against the idea of going to the Day Court, even with the other queen’s promise of honor to protect me. But Silas and the nobles of the royal council saw our options were few and combining our forces with those of the Day Court would give us a better chance.

A week,they’d said. We had a week to get there, get an answer, and return. Or they’d be forced to take certain ‘measures’. We were right to decide to leave Kade behind, especially with Edris now accompanying us. There were few at the palace who we could trust fully. Silas was trustworthy, but when we left for the south in the morning, he would leave for the north, to continue evacuating villages and forming lines at the border.

“Thank you, Jaen,” I said for the third time, “Truly, I don’t know how I’d have done this without your help.”

She’d helped me light upwards of a hundred candles. Her with a long wooden stick, and me with nothing more than the touch of a finger and the will of my Grace. The parlor looked ethereal bathed in orange light, the middle of the floor cleared of furniture to allow space for the ceremony to take place. With hardly a wisp of breeze in the air tonight, the room was warm and smelled of burning sage and spice.

My hair was pulled back in an intricate knot, courtesy of the young servant as well. I wore a dress Darius altered to fit me only an hour before. Black silk with lace at the neckline, trailing florals and swirls down my arms. It felt lighter than air and softer than anything I’d ever touched. The tailor had been saving it, he’d said, for a special occasion.

I couldn’t tell him why I needed it in such a hurry, but something told me the ancient male already knew. Wise and cunning as he was. I was sure nothing escaped his notice.

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Jaen replied, finishing up with the last few candles. “And thank you—for trusting me.”

I heard Aisling in her voice. Could almost see my healer friend behind her eyes. In another life Jaen and I could’ve been friends. I nodded to her. “What do you think of all this?”

She scrunched up her face at me, seemingly perplexed at the question, or rather, that I would ask her opinion at all.

“A bond is a very sacred thing,” she said carefully, “It’s not called the Immortal Bond because it is a bond between two immortal beings. It’s called that because it lasts forever—for as long as you both—er—youfiveshall live.”

My lips pursed, and I bit the inside of my cheek.

“I have seen you with them, Majesty. I know how you love them—and I know why you would seek to forge a bond with each. For the love you share, but for reasons more—” she stumbled, trying to find the right word.

“More practical.”

“Yes, exactly.”

“So, you don’t think it’s wrong to bond to more than one mate?”

She sighed, considering my question. Shook her head, “I believe it’s entirely possible to love more than one person… so, then I don’t see why it would be wrong to bind yourself toallof the males you love. It would be more wrong to choose one and forsake the others? Wouldn’t you agree?”

I smiled, nodding, feeling nothing but sincerity rolling off her in waves. “Thank you.”

“You have to stop doing that.”