The Mad King had them all in his clutches. Their minds were his.

And Tiernan, his jaw set, as though he’d already accepted his fate whispered, “It’s alright.”

Kade’s fists burned, but as I watched, the flames waned, until they were snuffed out entirely. “Coward!” he seethed, his teeth bared, “You’re noking. There’s no honor is this.”

The Mad King clasped his hands together. Cocked his head at the mountain of male who’d spoken, “But this is so much more fun, don’t you think?”

Alaric. I almost couldn’t bring myself to look at him, but then I did. His stormy eyes fixated on me. I could tell he was trying to keep composure—but not for his own pride. He held back for me. He was being strong for me.

And my heart broke at the sight of him.

Rough hands grabbed me by the shoulders, wrenching me from Finn.

“Bastard,” my Draconian warrior shouted, spitting at Valin. “You’re no hero.”

Valin clucked his tongue, dragging me away from them. I fought against him with every ounce of strength I had. Pulling and twisting, shouting every manner of obscenity. But Valin’s Grace of strength wouldn’t be beat. Without my Graces and with my arms tied behind my back, I could do nothing.

I was nothing. Useless.

Powerless to stop whatever horrorshewould inflict on my males. A chasm formed in my core. A deep, black place. Every bit of hope I had left flung itself inside, plummeting into the dark.

It hurt to breathe. I cried silently, the tears slipping down my face—falling to the floor without end.

“How sweet.” The raspy voice broke me free of the torment, “You really are my daughter’s kin, aren’t you,” The Mad King said, a note of disgust in his tone. “I can feel it—all your emotions. And theirs.” He jabbed a thin finger at my guard.

“I told you,” Valin said smugly from behind me, the places where he held my arms bruising from the pressure of his squeezing fingers.

The Mad King shook his head, pulling Alaric forward.

He lurched into step, stopping ten paces in front of me. He couldn’t hide it anymore, I could see the fear in his eyes. The male who had the power to control the emotions of others was now the one being controlled. If anyone understood what Ricon could do with his heightened Grace—it was Alaric.

“It’s never too late to learn a valuable lesson, so this one will be your last. Something to remember in the afterlife,Liana. There is no room for love while you wear the crown.”

Kade gasped, and I watched him jolt forward, meeting Alaric face to face in front of me.

“Please,” I heard myself rasp between fevered breaths, “Please, don’t.”

But the Mad King didn’t deign to give me a response. Kade unsheathed his blade, bewildered as he watched his own movements. He fought against Ricon’s compulsion. His hand shaking. The veins in his arms and neck near bursting.

I was going to watch Kade kill Alaric. Kade would watchhimselfkill his own captain—his friend.

Alaric’s sword clattered to the stone at his feet. His gaze fixed on Kade. Resolute. “It’s alright,” he said to his comrade, “It isn’t you, Kade.”

“Alaric,” Kade gasped, “I can’t—I can’t fight it.”

The sword raised higher, and I knew. I knew the moment Kade couldn’t hold back any longer that that sword would find flesh. My pulse pounded in my ears. I yanked at my arms, throwing myself forward, I couldn’t let him do it.

I couldn’t watch this happen.

“Alaric,” I called, and he turned. His expression was peaceful. He smiled—and in that smile was every word he didn’t say. It wasI love you, it wasIt’s alright.It wasGoodbye.

I hauled in a strong, heavy breath and threw my body backward instead. My fisted hands met Valin’s groin and the top of my skull smashed into his jaw. His grip loosened, and I yanked myself free. I sprinted forward, stumbling. Watched Kade loose his held breath and his sword shoot forward.

No!I lunged, and the cold bite of steel punched into my abdomen. Through flesh, muscle, and sinew. A blow so hard the air was knocked from my lungs and I struggled to force it back down. As though something was blocking my airway. It throbbed in time with my pulse and I looked down to see the blade seated inside me up to the hilt.

A wetness dripped, running down my stomach. It was hot. And cold. And heavy. And light as a feather. It was both all consuming, and nothing at all.

Kade’s gaping mouth wavered in and out of focus.