“Edris, welcome,” Alaric said as the male prowled into the queen’s parlor. I itched to leave. Hated being in there. It felt empty without her.

The previous King Consort nodded to the captain before taking the in the room, “Where’s the queen?”

“That’s what we’ve brought you here to discuss,” Alaric said, gesturing for the noble lord to sit.

I had pushed Alaric to do it. Request Edris’ help. The queen’s lack of presence at court wouldn’t escape the notice of the nobles, and they’d be quick to question the word of her guard. But not Edris’ word. They respected him. Even wantedhimto wear the crown. If he said Liana was simply away, the nobles would accept it as truth.

We were just lucky he had returned to the palace early from his hunt.

“She isn’t here,” I said, and he turned his icy blue stare on me.

His brows knitted together, “Then where is she?” A note of worry in his tone.

I didn’t know much about Edris, but I knew the decision to send Liana away at birth would have been more to do with her mother. I doubted Edris had any say in it. And now, seeing the tension in his jaw, and the way his eyes widened in worry—I knew it to be true. He cared for her. He would do what they asked of him.

Alaric, likely having sensed his emotions, cleared his throat before saying in a very calm, level voice, “The queen is away. Touring the northern villages. She wanted to meet more of her subjects.”

That had been Tiernan’s idea, and I had to commend the male for his cunning. The nobility at court wouldn’t look for her there. They wouldn’t dare set foot in the northern villages. The place where Kade and I were born.

The dirt streets and general non-splendor would sully their pretty gowns. Tarnish their ignorance. They didn’t want to see it. Because they didn’t want toknowjust how poor a person could be. Or how even in the darkest places, there was still joy to be found. I’d found my joy in reading—Kade in setting fires and watching the townsfolk scramble to put them out. We had our vices.

No, they wouldn’t go there. But they would commend the queen for her bravery, and hercharity.

Dawning flashed over Edris’ features. He knew it was a cover, and not the truth. His gaze fell from Alaric’s, “And how long is she to be gone?”

“We don’t know.” Kade grunted. “As long as it takes.”

Edris nodded solemnly, “I understand. Just—just bring her back safe, will you?”

Alaric stood and Edris dragged himself to his feet. The captain shook his hand, “On my honor. Iwillbring your daughter home.”

The former king consort didn’t say another word before he left the queen’s chambers in a daze. Not more than a moment after he’d left, Alaric pulled on his cloak, “Get ready,” he barked, “We leave here in ten minutes.”

I shook my head, sighing. Liana’s in the Wastes. That was all we knew. We didn’t know where, and the Wastes were vast, filled with forests and mountains and decaying cities and towns.

Was I the only one who’d done the math?It would takemonthsto comb over the entire thing.

“We have no idea where she is,” I said, hating how my guts twisted and frost pricked to life in my chest, “The Wastes are too vast—we’ll never—”

“Then we better start looking,” he growled, glaring into my eyes.

“Finn’s right,” Tiernan stated, “We need more to go on or we won’t find her before—I mean, she couldalreadybe…”

Alaric’s chest visibly tightened, and he jabbed a finger into Tiernan’s chest, “Sheisn’tdead,” he howled, “I would know if she were.”

Kade crossed his arms, and I could see his rage coming out in the feint glow in his eyes.Here we go…

“How would you know that?” Kade demanded, “It’s impossible for any of us to know that.”

Alaric slumped into a chair, clasping his hands together, “It’s not impossible forallof us.”

He wouldn’t have done it… would he?But I could see it written all over his face. Hehaddone it. He’d bound himself to her. And I had it on good authority he’d consummated the bond, too.

“I’ve already done it,” he whispered, “I bound myself to her while she slept. She doesn’t know. The bond hasn’t been reciprocated.”

Kade’s palms glowed red with heat and I watched him fight to control it. “Youwhat?”

The captain shot a retort back at my brother, but I wasn’t listening anymore. It had been my idea. I’d approached them only days ago to see if they agreed. I had suggested we all bind ourselves to her, and that she bind herself to us. There was no reason it couldn’t be done. And I had found proof that Morgana had actually done it—bound herself to herfivemales.